Thursday, July 25, 2024

A little real talk...♥

 Hello Lovely Friends 

I hope you are all doing well.  Can you believe we are closing in on the end of July.  Yesterday was my birthday and by this time of the summer I am itching to decorate for Fall.  And although I know it's too soon yet, my heart is thinking about cool crisp autumn nights, the smell of a fire, cozy blankets, and steaming hot bowls of soup.  Last night Rob and I were talking about a restaurant that we haven't been to in ages, and I only want to go in fall because it's a very old place with creaky wood floors.  They always have a fire crackling in the huge fireplace. The mantle is gorgeous. There is an upstairs and we always are seated up there.  The staircase is narrow and CREEKS as you are going up. They have candles in the windows all the time (like at Christmas) and serve the most delicious chowder. It's very New England.  It's so cozy on a frosty evening, so we made a date for the first cool night of the season. That's what we call simple living.  Little things that make us happy.  I can't wait.  

So yesterday I quietly turned 50.  I say quietly because that's how I wanted it.  No big hoopla.  I took the day off from work and spent the day relaxing at home. Rob, John, and my Dad were home too.  We had coffee and some treats in the morning.  I watched some tv for bit after that and then I had to take John to a driving lesson in the afternoon.  While I waited for him, I popped into Marshalls and treated myself to some new makeup and skincare.  That was fun. Later that night we had a yummy seafood meal from a local place, and I picked up my favorite cake for dessert - Pepperidge Farm coconut cake.  I open cards and a few gifts from friends which were so very thoughtful and answered messages on Instagram and Facebook. I felt blessed. 

 I have never been a person who liked to make a big deal out of my birthday.  I love celebrating other peoples, but not my own.  This year I felt pressure because I was turning 50, but's no big deal.  I don't feel any different.  Today it was back to work and laundry and cooking dinner and it's like it never happened.  And I'm ok with that. I'm not sad about my age.  In fact, there are many great things about being 50!  I'm grateful to be here! In some ways I feel better about myself than I did in my 30's and 40's.  I'm confident and don't really care what other's think of me.  I don't fear missing out on things and I never feel pressure to go places I don't want to go to.  I can choose comfort over fashion if I feel like it and go to bed early without judgement.  All good things.  

However, if I'm being honest (and I've always been honest on here) July has been a hard month for me.  I miss my mom.  I'm overwhelmed with things to do at home.  I feel a weight of responsibility that I've never felt before. My Dad was in the hospital for a few days last week.  Thankfully he's home now but that experience took years off my life.  Too many similarities to my mom and I very much dislike the hospital. To top all that off, my work is very busy, and I constantly feel like I'm playing catch up.  Life is hard and I know that's not just me, it's everyone these days.  I've always tried to be a positive person.  I said to Rob the other day, it's hard to be positive when you are constantly being disappointed by people.  I just hate it.  I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to be a pity party...I'm just venting.  I never want anyone to think it's all sunshine and roses over here.  Yes, I love my coffee and candles, but sometimes I feel sad.  I think that's normal right?  So, what I do is curl up in bed, watch Lucy or a Hallmark movie and take a rest.  Recharge my batteries.  Rob says I need a vacation.  He's right.  We are going to New Hampshire next weekend with Rob's family.  A trip that's been in the works since last year. We have a lovely house booked at the foot of Loon Mountain.  I'm looking forward to it.  New Hampshire is one of my favorite places.  A perfect reset. The mountain air and views are spectacular. But because Rob knows that I might need more than that we are going to Ogunquit Maine for a few days at the end of August as well.  I've never been so I'm kind of looking forward to that trip a little more (don't tell anyone!).  I was able to book a hotel right near the water. Yay because it's peak season and I was afraid they would be all booked.  We will sit on the ocean rocks and eat lobster rolls, go to antiques stores, and sleep in if we want to.  Yes, John will be with us because I would be sad if he wasn't.  There's still time this summer to enjoy it before the fall comes.  

And speaking of John, here's a kid whose living his summer dreams.  He's been so busy working, driving, going to youth group, guitar lessons, going to the beach and out to eat with his friends. He's having the best summer a 16 year old can have and I'm SO happy about that!!!!  We have coffee together every morning before work and tea every evening and my mommy heart is so full of love I could explode.  It's not possible he'll be 17 next month.  I just can't believe it.  This last year he's been my rock.  I feel so lucky to have him.  He's pretty funny too :) 

On Tuesday night we went to the beach with my friend Julie and her two boys (who are John's best friends) and we had a fun night.  I'll say it a thousand times, the beach in the evening beats the beach in the afternoon any day!  Once the sun went down the boys lit a fire (because you can do that on this beach) and Julie surprised me with cupcakes for my birthday.  It was so sweet and I'm grateful for her!  And as much as I'm willing summer to end, I do love sitting by the ocean on a summer evening.  There is magic in that sea air.
 I'm sure of it 

Ok, so I guess I don't hate everything about summer.  It has some good things going for it...: ) 

Thank you to all my online (and real life!) friends who texted or messaged me on Instagram and Facebook.  It's really the best part of a birthday isn't it? Hearing from the people you love.  Thank you for making my day.  I have to share this screenshot that my friend Patricia posted on my Instagram.  I was feeling blahhhh that morning until I saw this.  

Is that not hysterical!! She's the best! 

Have a wonderful day my friends! I'll see you back here soon.  And in case you're wondering, I haven't forgotten how to cook.  I'll be back at it soon (with videos!) so stay tuned. 

Love you all!  xoxo 


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! The way you spent your birthday sounds perfect to me! Surrounded by your closest loved ones, spending the day like you want. I've felt very much like you have this year, with my mom having some health issues and such. It's such a tough thing having to juggle that with caring for your own little family and working. I do hope your dad is much better now.

  2. Happy Birthday Danielle! 50 isn't so bad :) I'm about to turn 59 in October. Yikes! I can totally relate to your feelings in this post. I was just telling my husband that it seems everyone we know is dealing with some kind of hardship right now. I don't know if we notice these things more, the older we get, or if this is how life has always been and now it's just getting closer to us. Either way, some days you wake up and feel kind of lost at what to worry about next. I'm so thankful we have Jesus to take our worries to! I can't imagine dealing with life without Him. I'm glad your dad came out of the hospital ok! Here's hoping we can get through the summer unscathed and all have a cozy autumn :)

  3. Happy Birthday Danielle! I'm glad you celebrated exactly how you wanted to. I've been feeling much like you described and I think many other people are too. It seems like life has become so much harder the last few years. I feel like my soul is tired. Your trips sound fabulous and I want to hear all about Maine. That is on my list of places to visit. Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend.

  4. Danielle, your birthday sounds just perfect! You spent the day doing exactly what you wanted to do surround by your favorite people. I'm so happy you enjoyed your special day! I do understand that this month has been a hard one for you. I'm so sorry your dad had to spend some time in hospital. I hope he's doing well now. I hate hospitals, too. I spent too much time there with my mom over the winter and it was tough. I miss my mom, too. It's weird how grief comes in waves and just out of the blue. It hit me really hard when we were on vacation in Florida in June. I spent one day crying most all day and feeling really sad. I remembered last year at the same time being in Florida and calling my mom every day and telling her all about our vacation. I was sad I couldn't call her this time. Just know I'm thinking of you and praying for you. It sounds like you have some wonderful trips to look forward to. I've never been to Maine and I can't wait to hear all about your trip. I hope you are able to really relax and enjoy yourself. I agree, the beach is the best in the evenings. I love a good sunset. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I'm so glad you had a sweet quiet birthday the way you wanted. And I'm so sorry to hear about the scare with your Dad and struggling with many things. I'm so glad that you are prioritizing yourself and your mental health and stress and going to take some time away. Please know I forever send love, prayers for strength on the bad days, and goodness and light your way. You're such a gem of a Gal and deserve peace and happiness always.
    I agree about the beach in the evening and having a fire - that is the best! I haven't done that in ages. Blessings to you. xoxo
