Friday, July 5, 2024

Happy Birthday Mom ♥

July 4, 2023

Happy heavenly birthday to my mom.  She would have been 82 yesterday.  I spent the day cleaning and organizing some of her things here at home.  As hard as it was to part with things, it did make me feel close to her to be surrounded by things she loved. It will be 7 months tomorrow that she's been gone and I still have a hard time believing it. 

  I hope she had a big piece of blueberry pie and a cup of tea with her loved ones on her special day.


Love and miss you so much, Mom.  I'm thinking of you always 



  1. Hugs, love and prayers sweet Danielle. I have no doubt she enjoyed an amazing party with Jesus too! 💝🙏🏻

  2. Hugs Danielle, I was thinking about you yesterday. Sending prayers to you. Have a good weekend!

  3. Such a lovely picture of your mom. Thinking of you! I also still have a hard time believing my mom is no longer here with us. It'll be four months tomorrow since she passed away. My brother and I are going to go through some of her things for the first time this afternoon.
