Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Monday! : A little of this and a little of that... ♥

 Hello Friends! 

Happy Monday! 

Did I ever tell you how much I hate the dentist? I mean really hate it?  Which is precisely the reason why I haven't gone in so long.  Too long to even mention. Naturally I am the one who forces everyone else in my household to get their checkups and do all the things.  Well, the jig was finally up for me.  I know how important it is, so I made the appointment and went this morning.  I'm happy to say I survived! It wasn't as horrific as I imagined in my head (as most things never are).  My hygienist was so very nice, and I have no cavities! I take that as a personal victory!  Whew!  

One big thing off the list : ) 

I'm so happy we are nearing the end of August because it means the "ber" months are right around the corner!  My supermarket finally stocked pumpkin spice creamer, and I wasted no time stocking up.  That first sip was pure heaven.  It's getting colder in the mornings and evenings now which I love AND  it's starting to get darker earlier.  I know some of you dread that, but personally I love it.  I spotted mums at the grocery store last week too, which is always a good sign fall is in the air! 

The week of John's birthday we celebrated our annual Christmas in July .
Well, we didn't quite make July, but that's ok.  August is just as good! We've been doing this since he was little.  I used to go all out and spend the entire day doing Christmas things, making Christmas foods, watching Christmas movies, etc.  Sometimes we'd even start the night before with a little "Christmas eve" celebration.  There is something very special about capturing the Christmas spirit in the middle of summertime!  It's something we always look forward to.  Nowadays we have downgraded the festivities to just and afternoon, sometimes just an hour is all we need.  I light a candle, play some music, and we make cookies.  It was a fun time and certainly did the job.  

No presents required! 

 A Christmas scene on YouTube set the mood! 🎄

Pine smells...

and Christmas records... 

and of course cookies...

I bought Pillsbury dough and used sprinkles I had in the pantry. 

It doesn't get easier than that!  

It made us excited for the holidays~  

But first....we have fall.  Beautiful, cozy, dark & stormy, crisp & crunchy fall!  Decorating starts next week and I can hardly wait.  John is excited to start his senior year on September 6th. (how we got here so fast I do not know!) He got his schedule the other day and is happy with all his classes.  There will be some big decisions to be made over the next few months.  I'm so happy for him.  Whatever he decides to do, I know in my heart it will be something great 

As for me, I'm here with my coffee (always) and plugging away with work.  This week we are taking a few days off and heading up to Ogunquit, Maine.  It's our last hurrah of summer.  My last chance to get a lobster roll.  And what better place to get it : )  

I booked a cute hotel in the village and we'll be meeting some family up there too.  I hope to visit some antique stores, see a lighthouse or two, and go for a nice long walk on the beach.  It's a perfect way to say goodbye to summer. 

 I'm a little less nervous this time about leaving my Dad because he was totally fine when I went to New Hampshire last month. He calls me a nervous Nancy. I don't disagree! 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! I'll be back soon with pictures from Maine.  I'm excited to stay in a hotel for a few days (is that weird?!) and recharge my batteries.  We've been doing a lot around the house lately and I feel like I need a change of scenery.  Short and sweet, and then I'll be digging out the pumpkins and fall decorations from the attic!  My favorite time of the year! Yay!

I'm praying for cool weather too! 

Byeeee! xoxo 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Individual eggplant parms ♥

I saw this little eggplant parm hack on Giada De Laurentiis' Instagram last week.  

I tried it and it was a big hit.  

You start with small Japanese eggplants.  

They cook faster and are less bitter. 

Cut them in half and score them.

Drizzle them with olive oil and sprinkle with salt.

Roast at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. 

Top each eggplant half with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese.

Now top with a mixture of panko breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese.

Drizzle with more olive oil. 

Return to oven and roast another 15 minutes until the breadcrumbs are browned and the cheese is all melty and yummy! 


I wish I got a better picture of these because they were really delicious, but my family was hungry, and I wanted to serve these up quick.  

They were so good!!!!

I love a good shortcut, don't you? 😉

Monday, August 19, 2024

John is 17! ♥

Good Morning Friends and Happy Monday! 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! As I write this post it's early Monday morning.  I'm sitting on my back porch with my laptop and coffee.  It rained last night so this morning it's nice and cool and feels a bit tropical.  It's going to heat up later this afternoon, so I thought I'd get some porch time in now.  

So what's new?? On Friday I blinked and John turned 17! I can hardly believe it.  He's such a great kid and every day I feel so blessed! 

I'm still getting used to the facial hair.  It's finally growing on me : ) 

He had a great day.  I took work off and we spent the whole day together.  Later, we went out to eat with family at a restaurant of his choice.  It was delicious.  

And this is the face of a person who had the waiter and two other workers singing happy birthday to him.  

I had to do it! :)

Time really does fly by, doesn't it? Gone are the days of birthday parties and goodie bags.  I remember every year we would go to the party store and pick out a theme (it was usually something Disney related like Toy Story or Cars) and get all the decorations, balloons, and cake to match the theme.  It was so much fun and I have to say my heart hurts a little because I miss those days...however now is pretty good too! We have coffee together, have long talks and laugh a lot, go walking, watch movies, and I'm so grateful that my 17 year old still likes to hang out with his old mamma 

In other new we have now entered my favorite part of summer, which is LATE summer.  The last half of August is very exciting for me because it means summer is coming to an end.  The stores are all selling school supplies (some schools are already in session!) and outside I can see small changes in nature that tell me fall is coming.  I'm noticing its getting darker a littler earlier these days and look at this dappling sunlight coming through the bathroom window. 

That's fall on it's way! 

Last week a good friend of my mom's stopped by and brought us these gorgeous sunflowers. 
For me, they are a fall flower.  I love them in arrangements with pumpkins and mums.  

This bouquet was a little sign of things to come. 

In the office park where I work there is a little outdoor sitting area behind the buildings. There's a pond and a little walking trail that you can escape too if you need a break in the work day. 

  I took a walk over there one day last week.  It had been a while since I'd been there and I suddenly remembered how much I love it.  Before covid (when I worked in office 5 days a week) I would spend my lunch hours here.  Even though this sanctuary is tucked in the middle of a busy office park you would be surprised at how quiet is.  So many of my coworkers work through lunch or eat a their desks. Not me.  

I need the break. 

I need these little stolen moments of peace of my day.  Even if it's only 10 minutes.  It does wonders.

When I was walking back to the office, I passed by this pine tree and got a big whiff of PINE which instantly reminded me of Christmastime.  It gave me the biggest smile. 

Thank you God & thank you nature 

On my way home that day I stopped at Bath & Body Works to get a candle not knowing they were having a bye one-get one free sale! I had to take advantage of that.  

I can hardly wait to burn these!!! 

The rest of the week included working from home, walks around the neighborhood, cleaning out some closets at home, and driving John here there and everywhere.  On Sunday I was finally able to rest.  I was flipping channels and got the urge to watch Downton Abbey.  I watched the first two episodes on Prime and I'm hooked all over again!  Of course I paused between episodes to make tea! Every time I watch this show I notice new things and I'm just as enchanted as ever.  It's very clear to me I was born in the wrong era! 

I hope you all have a great Monday, my dear friends! I'll be around to visit your blogs today.  I can't wait to see what you all have been up to.  Do what you love today.  Life is too short not to! 

Love you, bye! xoxox 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Weekend in New Hampshire ♥

Hello Friends! Happy August! 

We are back from a lovely (but HOT) weekend in the mountains.  New Hampshire is honestly one of my most favorite places on earth to visit.  There is something so serene about being nestled in the woods, surrounded by nothing but nature. 

This was my view every morning while I sipped my coffee.  


Every summer we do a little trip with Rob's family.  Last year we went to Cape Cod and spent 3 days at the beach, which (aside from my sunburn) was lovely.  This year we decided on a rental house on Loon Mountain in New Hampshire.  Only a 2 and half hour drive from Boston it wasn't too far, but just far enough to feel like I was in a different world. To be honest, I had a bit of anxiety leaving home as it was my first vacation since my mom's passing.  I worry about my Dad and in my mind everything can go wrong in 3 days.  He assured me he would be FINE so off I went to the mountains.  It turns out it was a wonderful decision because I was able to relax and recharge my batteries for the first time in months :) 

The house was absolutely lovely.  Rob, John, and I were the first to arrive and the first thing we did was make a pot of coffee.  Naturally! 

There were 10 of us all together and we all fit perfectly.  I adored the kitchen!  (not that I used it! LOL) 

At night we watched TV and played games. 

There were card games going on at this table all weekend.  

Our meals were simple.  

Pizza in on the first night and two other dinners out, but very comfy and casual.  One night we went out for gelato which was delicious! 

On Friday some of our group went hiking (which I heard was beautiful).  We decided on a ride over to North Conway center.  A tradition for us is to go to Zeb's General store.  It's so fun! 

It's like a step back in time 

Lots of cute things to shop for too! 

There's an old-fashioned candy counter AND John got a huge pickle from a barrel.  

We walked the square and visited the train station across the street.  

The only downside was it was SO HOT!  Luckily my favorite coffee shop in New Hampshire is right in the square.  The Met has the best iced coffees! 

They really hit the spot.  Mine was French Vanilla!

Another thing I love to do on 90 degree days in New Hampshire is visit Christmas stores...haha!  

This one is a wonderland! 

I'm so ready for this! 

People ask me all the time and the answer is YES he still loves Elvis! ♥

              The next day we had plenty of pool time.  I sat under an umbrella and read my book.  

On our last day we all went out for pancakes and then visited a very large (and very dangerous) candy store in Littleton, NH.  I picked up a bag of saltwater taffy to bring home to my Dad.  

This fudge was so temping!!! My sister-in-law caved and bought some for us to snack on.  My favorite was the fluff-a-nutter, which tasted just like a peanut butter and fluff sandwich! Exactly like it, just like the sales guy said.  OMG it was to die for! I'm glad I didn't buy any to bring home because I definitely would have eaten it all.  

Overall, it was a fun weekend with family that I really enjoyed.  We got home Sunday afternoon.  I unpacked, threw in a load of laundry, we chatted with my Dad for a bit (who was absolutely fine btw) and then laid on my bed to feel how comfy it is.  I missed it. There's nothing like your own bed.  Am I right?! 

It's fun to go away, but even better coming home.  I slept like a dream last night and today it was right back to work for me. 

 Not a bad way to start August 

I hope your week is off to a good start too!  Have a wonderful day friends!