Good Morning! ♥
It's Thursday and I've just sat down at my desk, with a bowl of yogurt and fruit. I sprinkled some granola on top for crunch and drizzled with a bit of honey. It's good! I'm looking over today's to do list and sipping my coffee nice and slowly. I have a bunch of computer work to do, an errand to run at CVS, and then get John at school this afternoon. I sound like a broken record these days but the months are just flying by. It's hard to believe May is half over. John is counting the days until summer vacation! It's practically here : )
Well Friends, today I'd like to talk about Hygge. I'm sure you've heard the term before, but in case not, it is simply this:
And I'm all about it! ♥
Hygge something I search for every single day of my life. I find it in my clothes, my food, and my environment. 24-/7, I'm thinking about it. Searching for it. Living it. Hygge = Cozy.
Let's face it, it's much easier to be cozy in the cooler months. October through February is when I THRIVE. That's my time and the cozy factor is at it's highest. I love that time of year. It's dark, the air is crisp, and I can wrap myself in flannel and drink as many pumpkin spice lattes as I want. It's my idea of paradise. When it starts to get warmer and flowers start blooming, yes it's pretty, but that's when finding cozy becomes a bit more challenging. So how does this cold weather loving, long sleeve sweat shirt & sweat pants wearing girl bring Hygge into her spring? Well, I'll tell you. Because hygge (i.e. cozy) is a state of mind, it can be had anywhere at any time. Even during a haze of itchy eyes and runny noses due to May pollen. (that's real!!)
Here's how: ♥
The first thing I do once the air changes from winter to spring is change my bedding. New sheets, lighter blankets, and new throw pillows are a great way to cheer up the room but still have it be cozy. I like whites, light blues, and cream colors in Spring. This year I added a light pink throw blanket (from Home Goods) to put at the foot of the bed because the nights are still chilly and I liked the splash of color. Also, Spring pajamas are a must. They have to be light, soft, and not clingy. I'm in my pajamas for more hours of the day than I'd like to admit, so comfort is essential! One of my favorite brands is Cuddleduds and I get them at Khols. The material is like buttah!

Being out in nature is a wonderful way to embrace Spring hygge. I like to get outside as much as possible before the summer heat hits. A perfect morning for me is getting an iced coffee and taking a walk by the beach near my house. In a few short weeks it will be crowded with beachgoers and parking will a nightmare. That's when I stay as far away as possible : ) Also, taking a walk in a garden center, or even the outdoor section of Lowes is highly enjoyable. I love the smell of all the plants and flowers. Even if I don't buy anything, just being in that environment brings me joy. Someday I would like to have a huge veggie garden with herbs and garlic and tall snapdragons all around it. I honestly don't know if it will ever happen, but just dreaming about it makes me happy. Aaaand, I just remembered that next month is strawberry season. I've been waiting all year to pick berries, bring them home, and make jam. Could I just buy it at the grocery store for way less money and effort. Of course. But will I go to all the trouble to drive 40 minutes to the farm to pick the berries straight from the patch, haul them home to make the jam myself? Of course.

Smells are very triggering for me, in the best way possible. One of the easiest ways to create a cozy space is with candles. If you stopped by my house unexpectedly at any point during the day, there is a very high chance there is a candle burning. After the holidays, I replace all my winter scents with newer, fresher ones. My favorites this time of year are lilac, jasmine, sage, orange, anything fresh like linen, lemons, and that old classic...cucumber melon! It's time for me to make my annual Yankee Candle run at that mall and while I'm there I'll make a stop at Bath & Body Works for a new body spray and lotion. I have my favorites but it's fun to see what new scents have been released. I ADORE Bath & Body Works. I'm the girlie that gets sucked into every gimmick there is. I've heard people say "I don't want to walk around smelling like a cupcake....". Well, personally I don't mind it all all! :)

One of the main principals of a hygge lifestyle is doing things you love that bring you JOY. Plain and simple. Sometimes, as sad as it seems, I feel I have to schedule time for that. For me that's reading, baking, organizing things around my house, and practicing self care. I always seem to associate baking and comfort food with fall and winter, but that's not the case. I currently have a healthy, bubbly starter on my counter that I've been nurturing for two weeks. It's just waiting to turned in a crusty loaf of sourdough and it's happening tomorrow! Baking bread is a form of therapy for me, mostly because it's not an instant process. It takes time and work to get it just right. It's bringing me joy and that's the whole point. Very hygge. Reading a classic novel (like Emma), putting on a face mask, and wrapping up in a throw blanket on the couch is literal heaven for me right now. We also like to re-watch TV shows we love. Whenever I'm feeling sad or "off" TV will snap me out of it. We watch lots of Seinfeld, Cheers, The Office, and Golden Girls. John is also doing a Boy Meets World re-watch with me. It was my ultimate comfort show as a teenager and he's never seen it! (It's on Disney Plus) We are up to season 4 and he's loving it. That's a show that just makes me happy. It's a cozy watch.
Also here are three sure fire things that will make you feel cozy in Spring. If you do nothing else, these three things will bring magic into your spring days. Ready? Here they are...
Twinkle lights
My work here is done! ♥
I must mention that last week I reorganized our pantry and it was the highlight of my month so far! (yes, I'm dorky!) It was something that was long overdue. You may not think of something as mundane as cleaning out a pantry as charming or special, but I gave it my best try. Nice music and iced coffee accompanied me during this task!
I rearranged all the shelves and threw away expired spices. Upon putting everything back I had so much extra space. Next step is to lay down shelf paper. It's a work in progress.
An organized pantry brings me peace every time I go in there. Rob still can't find the coffee filters, but he'll eventually find them! LOL
And of course the most important thing of all is spending time with family and friends. As much as I treasure my alone time, nothing beats being with the ones you love. So make those summer plans now to see your favorite people and spend time with them. There are memories waiting to me made : )
So that's how I find hygge in Springtime. How about you???
Have a wonderful hygge filled day friends! We are getting closer to Friday.
It's going to be pouring rain here on Saturday and I cannot wait!