Friday, October 18, 2024

Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies ♥


Hello and happy Friday!  

I hope you all had a nice last day of the week!  What are your plans for this Friday night?

John is feeling better today and is going to the homecoming football game tonight.  The rest of us are getting pizza and staying cozy at home.  I'm already in my PJ's and have no shame throwing a coat on and picking up the pizza as is.  That's about as crazy as I get on a Friday these days :)

To end this week, I wanted to be sure to share with you the pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe I made yesterday.  These came out so good!  Very soft and pillowy, like pumpkin bread but in cookie form.  Delicious with a hot tea or coffee.  I'm a dunker and this cookie didn't disappoint : ) 

The best part was I was able to mix everything by hand (no mixer required) all in one bowl.  The only thing I added was a little sprinkle of sugar on top, which honestly wasn't needed but I thought it looked pretty.  


Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Have a great weekend Friends!  

Stay cozy and I hope you do something that makes you happy : )


Thursday, October 17, 2024

An ordinary October day ♥


Good Afternoon, Friends! 

As I'm writing this it's that bewitching time between 3 and 5 pm. If I laid down right now I could most definitely take a nap, but I'm not going to let myself do that.  Not today : ) 

My workday is winding down and I'm starting to think about supper.  I just made a quick batch of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies which are cooling on the stove.  They smell amazing and I'll share the recipe tomorrow. It was sunny and cool today and really felt like an October day.  I had my pumpkin spice candle burning all day while I worked, and it reminded me of my mom 

John is getting over a cold and is currently on the couch wrapped in a blanket.  Unfortunately, the change in seasons (although I love it) always brings sickness. He's the first victim. Fingers crossed the rest of us don't get it! (I've got my Lysol ready:) 

I was planning on making pork chops for dinner tonight, but I changed my mind and decided on BREAKFAST.  It feels like a comfort food night.  I'm going to make pancakes, sausages, and fruit salad. 

Have a wonderful evening friends.  I'm off to steal a cookie and put my feet up for a few minutes before I make dinner. 

Happy Friday Eve! 


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge ♥

Hello Friends!  

Today I'm participating in the Wednesday Hodgepodge link up (here).
I saw my friend Debbie did it on her blog and I loved reading her answers. 

I thought I would give it a try, so here goes...

1. How did you meet your significant other? If you don't have a significant other, tell us how you met your best friend.

Rob and I met at my cousin's wedding.  His family were neighbors with my aunt and uncle at the time. It's very cliche but I saw him across the room and thought he was cute.  I was 19 and he was 21. I thought, what better place to meet someone. 5 years later we got married and had our reception at the same the same room. 

2. It's Department Store Day (October 16) you still shop in department stores? If not do you miss that kind of shopping experience? Do you have a favorite department store? Any fun memories of department store shopping when you were a child? 

This question is so funny to me because it's something I think about a lot.  I miss department stores!!  I have such fond memories of going to Sears and Jordan Marsh and all those classic department stores I grew up with.  Going to the mall as a child was so much fun! I would beg my mom to take me to the toy department.  Especially at Christmas time! When I got older, I would LOVE to browse the kitchen sections and look at the pretty china place settings and crystal glasses. Dresses on the 3rd floor and car parts on the 2nd floor.  Something for everyone in the family.  It's a shame they have slowly disappeared.  Nowadays I do still like going to Macy's, but something about it just isn't the same as it used to be.  

3. Something you're currently nuts about? 

Currently I'm nuts about FALL.  I love this time of year.  I love the cool dark mornings.  I love the smell of bonfires at night.  The foliage is just starting to pop in my neighborhood and it's so pretty.  I wait all year for pumpkin spice season and now it's here. Why does my morning coffee taste better this time of year?  I can finally start wearing my sweaters and extra cushy socks.  Warm & cozy and I love everything about it.  I also love the thought that winter is coming.  I'm one of those crazy people that love snow.  I really do : ) 

4. What's your favorite nut and is there a favorite recipe where this nut is used? 

My favorite nuts are almonds.  I don't buy them very much anymore since John had his nut allergy.  I miss baking with nuts but it's safer to not have them in the house.  There are so many yummy Italian desserts that have almonds.  I also really love hazelnuts and have been known to eat my weight in Nutella. I used to love adding a big tablespoon to a mug of hot chocolate.  It's so good! 

5. On Wednesday we officially reach the '70 days until Christmas' mark. Have you purchased any gifts? If you don't celebrate Christmas then how about Hanukkah presents? 

I have not bought any Christmas gifts yet. I'm usually pretty early with my gift buying but this year I'm trying not to rush the season.  Sometimes I get so caught up on getting things done that I miss the joy.  It's not supposed to be stressful. This year I'm going to try and live in the moment and take my time.  I will start to make some lists soon though and maybe start my shopping sometime in November.  Let's get through Halloween first! 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

What are your feelings on candy corn?  I love it.  I don't know why it gets so much hate.  It's just not Fall without apple cider and candy corn! 

Thank you SO much Debbie for this idea!  Here's the link to Debbie's beautiful blog: 

(Millies Cozy Cottage Life).

WE are both linked up with From This Side of the Pond for this fun challenge! 

Have a wonderful evening everyone! xx 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

3 cozy FALL Hallmark movies ♥

Hello Friends! 

I'm going to discuss a controversial topic today.  Hallmark movies!  I say controversial because people have very strong opinions about Hallmark.  They either love them or hate them.  I love them with my whole entire heart! I watch several every week and they always, always bring me joy.  

Yes, they are corny, predictable, and mostly unrealistic.  The acting is sometimes bad and the plots are definitely reused over and over again.  However, Hallmark is warm and cozy.  The aesthetics are everything in a Hallmark movie.  The quaintest towns with the coziest coffee shops, bakeries, and community centers. Where are these places? Do they exist?  Don't tell me you haven't googled "Hallmark town" before because I certainly have. Book me a one-way ticket now please. 

Everyone is adorable and the drama is low. Happy endings are a MUST in a Hallmark movie and I for one, love happy endings and I love corny!  Hallmark and I were made for each other. 

If you are not an avid Hallmark movie girlie like I am you may not know that Hallmark isn't just for Christmas.  They have movies for every season.  Including FALL! 

Choosing favorites is nearly impossible, but off the top of my head here are 3 Fall Hallmark movies that I would never skip past if I saw they were on.  I've seen each at least 10 + times (I'm not even joking) because they bring the vibes I'm looking for this time of year.  

I took the pictures and descriptions directly from the Hallmark movie website.  Check there to see program guides.  You can also watch them on YouTube!  

Ten years ago, Faye and Lydia each opened their own bakeries in Emeryville, Ohio, after a personal and professional fall-out during a local Pumpkin Pie contest. Now their children, and co-workers, Casey and Sam, are set to carry on the rivalry as they go head-to-head in the same contest. There's only problem for these two people who are supposed to hate each other, they start to fall in love. Starring Julie Gonzalo (“Dallas”) and Eric Aragon (“The Perfect Wedding”).

*Pumpkin Pie Wars is always the first one I watch when the weather starts to get chilly and I'm craving pumpkin bread.  It's basically a Romeo & Juliet premise with two feuding families and a son and a daughter from each family that should hate each other but they don't. Do they join forces to help reunite the families at the big pumpkin pie bake off? Oh, the drama.  It's fabulous!*

After fast-paced New York City high-end real estate broker Fiona Rangely (Lacey Chabert) gets dumped by her boyfriend, she escapes to her family’s quaint Vermont Inn for a few days to slow down and evaluate her life. When her ex-boyfriend Nate shows up at the Inn with a brand new girlfriend, Fiona quickly devises a plan to win him back: pretend the handsome and very laid- back head chef Derek (Carlo Marks) is her new boyfriend! Much to the surprise of Derek --and to Fiona herself-- in pretending to be in love, she realizes that she’s been thrown a curveball: sometimes the best things in life are worth the wait. Starring Lacey Chabert and Carlo Marks.

*Moonlight in Vermont has it all.  Firstly, Lacey Chabert (the Queen of Hallmark in my opinion) whom I would want to play me if there was ever a movie about my life.  I adore her and her smokey eyeshadow.  She's flawless.  It takes place at a Vermont Inn which is too dreamy for words.  There's a maple festival (of course there is), a love-hate thing going on between the two main characters, and it all ends with a horse and carriage ride through the country.  Also, Tony Bennet's version of the song Moonlight in Vermont is played during a romantic dance scene that actually takes my breath away. I just love it.  Maple syrup is also used as a metaphor for love. You've got to see it for yourself to believe me.*

While planning a fundraising event, a small New England town’s radio station manager meets her match in a visiting businessman who can’t seem to see beyond the screen of his laptop computer, until she ropes him into participating in her bachelor bake-off to help save the station. Starring Taylor Cole and Tyler Hynes.

* If Lacey Chabert is the Queen of Hallmark, then Tyler Hynes is the King.  He always plays an easy-going laid-back kind of guy that is so nice and loveable you wonder if his kind actually exist.  In Falling for You we get to see him in many cable knit sweaters which is also fun.  This movie has a bake off (another reoccurring troupe) and a beautiful evening lantern festival that is my favorite scene in the movie.  I also really love Taylor Cole's character because she reminds me of me. She loves desserts and sweet coffee and everything about Fall.   

To me a Hallmark movie is like a hot cup of cocoa.  Highly recommend if you're having a bad day.  Wouldn't we all love a Hallmark movie life? I know I would 

Let's see what's on tonight :)


Monday, October 14, 2024

I went apple picking ♥

Hello Friends! 

I hope you all had a nice weekend!  It was beautiful here on Saturday.  It was the FALL day I have been waiting for. It was a long week and I was hoping for a nice sunny day because we had plans to go apple picking.  I couldn't wait to get outside in the fresh air and experience autumn.  I talk a lot about it and look at pretty pictures, but it's never real to me until I actually go out and feel it. 
 Well, I finally felt it : ) 

Before I tell you about that I have to show my new sweatshirt....  

I picked this up at Kohls over the summer when it was a thousand degrees out and cold weather felt like it would never get here.  It's been tucked safely in my drawer since July until this weekend when she made her debut.  I love it and have a feeling people will be sick of seeing it because I'll be living in it.  

It says "Stay Cozy"... don't mind if I do 

Anyway, back to Saturday....

It was lovely and so many apples!!!! 

I was in apple heaven! : ) 

My friend Julie and I filled our bags while John and Julie's 2 boys, Sean and Michael, helped.  This has been an annual tradition for us since John and Sean were in first grade.  We look forward to it every year.  I used to have to pick John up to reach the high he gets them for me!  

It really was a perfect sunny day, which made it even better.  In past years we've gone when it's still warm (and sometimes humid) and it's just not the same.  Luck was on our side this time.  

I love being outside with the smell of apples in the air and the beautiful foliage as a backdrop.
It's why I love fall.  

My head goes to all the pies and desserts I'll make with these 

After our bags were full, we headed over to the farm stand.  I managed to grab some mums and a pumpkin to take home too.  I really wanted apple cider donuts, but the line was too long. It was crazy!

 Now I'll be on a mission to find them elsewhere : ) 

My loot! 

Before we left that morning I had put a pot roast in the crock pot.  I was so glad I did because I didn't have to worry about cooking dinner when we got home.  It was all done! 

Honestly, aren't crockpots the best?! I've had mine for 26 years and it's still going strong! 

I could literally smell my dinner bubbling away from outside.  How nice that was because I was pretty tired when I got home.  

On Sunday I made Susan Branch's cranberry apple crisp.  It's my favorite apple crisp recipe.  The only change I made was I used honey crisp apples instead of granny smith because that's what I picked.  Crisps are the best because you can eat them hot or cold.....for dessert or breakfast! 

No judgement here :)

This one even looks good before you bake it...

Even better yummy!!!  I've been picking on this non stop. 

It's starting to get darker earlier now and we've put our heat on for the first time already.  

The coziness is setting in and I can feel myself going into nesting mode.

I really love this time of year  

Have a wonderful week everyone! 

I'm going to try to start to post here daily!  Yup, you heard it right.  I might only be a quick little thought or snapshot of something I find pretty or interesting that day, but I'm going to see if I can do it.  Fingers crossed! See you tomorrow...xo 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Lately in September ♥


About a year ago a very good friend of mine traveled to London.  She very kindly brought me back a box of London Breakfast Tea. I have adored this tea from my very first sip.  I love the taste, the smell, the packaging, everything.  Needless to say, I've been hoarding it and only allowing myself a cuppa when I really want to treat myself.  Well friends, today is a sad day.  I am currently having my last cup of London Breakfast Tea. The beautiful gold box is empty.  I'm gutted.  I just texted my friend and told her that she needs to go back and get me another box.  She jokingly said, "or WE could go" and you know, that's not a bad idea! : ) 

So now I'm sitting here in my cozy home office dreaming of a London vacation.  If and when that day comes, I'll definitly be going to the tea shop.  Until then, hopefully Amazon can help a girl out.  Fingers crossed! 

I've been drinking tea in the afternoons these last few days.  Of course I start my day with coffee (not to worry!) but as my mom used to say on days like this "it's a tea kind of day" and it has been.  Fall arrived overnight and it's been rainy, cool, a little gloomy but in a good fall-ish kind of way, and I've not minded at all.  


The mornings are dark and chilly so I light my candles first thing.  I'm always a little sad when the sun starts to come up. I like the flickering candles in the early morning darkness.  Is nice to spend a few minutes in solace before the craziness of the day starts.  

I've been thinking a lot about my mom this past week.  She loved fall as much (if not more) than I do.  Clearly that's where I got it from. The other day I went into the basement and brought up some of her fall decorations to put around the house.  I lit one of her favorite scented candles (sparkling cinnamon) and thought about how much we used to love this time of year.  Now is when we'd go to HomeGoods and Michales and craft fairs and start buying things for the holidays.  We'd love to go out to lunch afterwards.  Usually for soup and salad.  The last time we did this she was in a wheelchair. I know she wasn't feeling great but we had the best time shopping, planning, and laughing.  It was raining that day and we both ordered hot tea at the restaurant as soon as we were seated...

because it was a tea kind of day. 

I think it makes my Dad happy to keep on with her seasonal traditions. It's nice to see the things she loved and made (like the lamp below).  I know it makes me happy.  And also, a little sad too.  I am finding it hard to balance my feelings sometimes. 

But I digress about that....

Occasionally the sun peeps through the clouds, just long enough for the birds to have conversations, and then it grows dark again and rains some more.  

Honestly, I have to say it's the perfect weather if you want MOODY Fall.  And of course I do.  
The books I'm reading feel a bit spookier and my couch blanket feels cozier than ever.  
It's like a hug every time I wrap up in it.  

And now the house is full of all things Fall.  Orange, red, and yellow everywhere I look. 

It's finally here and summer is a memory.  

I feel like I was just in Maine. It really wasn't that long ago, but it feels like it.  

The leaves are just beginning to turn now.  We have a long way to go.

Soon this will all be golden and I can hardly wait 

If it ever stops raining, I'll plant my mums and marigolds.  

Hopefully next week! 

I love my pumpkin spice coffee in the morning in my pumpkin mug...and my little Halloween lights around the window... and my plants that I always forget to water but I'm praying they won't die....because I love them too.  

It's the little things 

It's almost October! 


I have to get more seasonal soaps!  Thankfully I have a little of this one left over from last year.  

Isn't the bottle cute?! 

(It's Bath & Body Works) 

More baking! How I love it so!!  We have a date set to go apple picking (and pumpkin picking) in October.  It's one tradition I try to never skip.  The more apples I bring home the more pies & crisps I'll bake.  I also want to do caramel apples this year.  

This is a Susan Branch recipe I've made many times.  It's SO GOOD!!!!  


Pumpkin heaven! 

The best! 

John's been making plans too.  There is a big Haunted House that he and his friends go to every year that he's looking forward to. And this year for the first time, he's going to be attending something called Scream Fest which sounds absolutely horrible to me, but he's excited about it.  It's at an amusement park.  Apparently, the park is taken over by zombies and monsters and they jump out and scare the life out of you around every corner.  No thanks.  I'll be home watching Charlie Brown that night. That's my kind of Halloween fun. LOL 

Last week I celebrated getting my annual mammogram with a pumpkin coffee and apple cider donut from Dunkin Donuts.  It was my treat for getting myself out of the house and at the doctors at 7:40 am.  It was well worth it.  

Side note: I got the results yesterday and I'm clear!  Yay! I don't have to do that again until next year.  

Stunning colors at the supermarket.  If this doesn't say Fall I don't know what does! 

Maybe a black cat and a pumpkin....hmmm! :) 

So that's lately in September 

Tonight, Rob and I are attending an open house at John's school to meet his teachers.  We go every year.  It's hard to believe this is the last one.  I feel like lately I want to freeze every moment in time.  

Have a wonderful rest of the week friends! 

What are your plans for the weekend?  I hope you all stay cozy and if you're in the path of any bad weather, please stay safe! I have to do a little shopping on Saturday for a baby shower and a birthday celebration next week.  After that I hope to be able to cozy up and read some of my current book.  I'm thinking about making pizza on Friday night too.  

Love you! 

Byeeee! xoxo 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Blondies & a few fall favorites ♥

Hello Friends! 

Well, we made it through Monday and here we are on Tuesday! The weekend seems like an eternity ago. 

 In case you're wondering John had a great first weekend at his new job and officially LOVES it at the theater!  He worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to train and said the time flew by.  
He can't wait for his next shift. I'm so happy he's happy! : ) 

Rob and I had a lovely weekend too.  I did some house chores, errands, stopped by the farmers market (which is much more enjoyable now that the weather is getting cooler), and we managed to get out for a coffee date and a nice walk on the beach Sunday morning.  There was a classic car show going on which was quite fun too.  We love the classics.  Especially the old Cadillacs! :) 

Remember I said I wanted to do some fall baking with pumpkin this weekend?  Well, I did!  

I remembered I had a recipe for pumpkin chocolate chip blondies that sounded like just what I was in the mood for.  It was the perfect little treat to have with tea while watching Downton Abbey! 

I had totally forgotten that a few years ago I made a YouTube video making this recipe!  I'd thought I share it again today, because this video is full of fall favorites and everything I love about the season.

I hope you enjoy it! 


Here's a link to the recipe and my original post:  pumpkin chocolate chip blondies

They are really yummy! 

Have a wonderful week my friends!  xo 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Fall Baking has begun! Cinnamon Apple Pop Tarts ♥

Hello Friends! Happy Friday! 

 How was your week? It went by so fast, I can hardly believe we're at the end already.  Well, John's first week as a senior was a huge success.  All classes are great and I heard no complaints.  And to top that off, he got a call on Monday that he's been hired at our local movie theater.  He applied for a job there months ago and they are finally ready for him!  He starts tonight.  For someone that loves movies as much as my son, it couldn't be a better job for him. He's in his element! 

We experienced some fall-like temps this week and it was glorious! I wore a cardigan sweater to work two times! I'm so happy to be back in my cozy clothes.  Little by little, we're getting there.  The last of our summer blooms are fading (but are still lovely) and I'm looking forward to planting mums and marigolds in our flower boxes very soon.  The supermarket has exploded with all my favorite pumpkin flavored things and I'm not ashamed to say I loaded up.  Pumpkin cinnamon rolls, pumpkin spiced oatmeal, creamer (of course), the list goes on and on and I'm not ashamed one bit.  It's who I am! lol 
I'm also thinking about some nice crock pot meals to make this fall.  My Pinterest boards are on fire! 

Speaking of Pinterest, I did a little fall baking on Sunday. I was craving apple something and I found an easy recipe for apple pop tarts.  I know, right?!  Instead of cutting them in the traditional rectangle shape, I found an apple shaped cutter that I had in my pantry and used that instead.  

All you do is many an easy apple filling on the stove and let it cool.  Get some pie dough (homemade or Pillsbury works just fine too!), fill, crimp, and bake.  These were so easy and came out delicious!!

I posted some pictures on Instagram and some of you were looking for the recipe so here you go!  

The smells of FALL! Ahhhh..... 


 I did make the cinnamon glaze to go on top but was too busy eating and I forgot to take a picture.  If you make these, I highly recommend the glaze.  It's so goooood and such a nice compliment to the apple filling! 

Such an easy treat and a perfect way to kick off fall baking season.  I realized I need to stock up on a few spices and things before Christmastime, so I'll be doing that very soon.  

Next up I think will be a pumpkin coffee cake or muffins because I have a can of pumpkin in my pantry just staring at me, begging to be opened!  I didn't feel very much like cooking or baking over the summer, but now that fall is here (in my mind it's here!) I feel myself getting my mojo back.  And that makes me very happy!  Not good for the little muffin top I've suddenly acquired, but I'm willing to ignore that for the sake of my love of fall and my happiness.  It's all about priorities : ) 

Well, that's it for me today, my dear friends.  This weekend will be filled with (aside from the aforementioned baked goods) cleaning, laundry, errands, a haircut, and a coffee date with my hubby on Sunday.  Tonight, while John is working, I'm continuing my Downton Abbey rewatch.  I've just started season 3, which we all know is a devastating season. I mean really, this season collectively destroyed us Downton fans.  How did we get over it?  I don't think I have, but I'm ready to put myself through it all over again.  And for those of you who haven't watched Downton yet, I highly, highly, recommend it.  It's streaming on Amazon Prime - you will not regret it! 

With all the chaos in the world today, I'm grateful to be able to turn all that off for a while, wrap myself in a blanket, and be completely enchanted with another world.  It's nice and much needed.  

Have a lovely weekend everyone!  