Hello Friends! Happy February! ♥
It's hard to believe January is over but it's happened. On to a new month and a fresh calendar page.
Time marches on. One day closer to spring, I say!
Today is a rainy, slushy, mess outside. It's predicted to freeze so John has another day off from school. I was so happy not to have to go out this morning and drive him. We are all safe and cozy in our cocoon today. Even Rob is home from work, so nothing for me to worry about. I am all stocked up on food so no one will starve this weekend and I finally bought the ingredients to make blueberry sweet rolls for breakfast on Sunday. A recipe I've been wanting to try since Christmas.
I'll let you know if they turn out "blog worthy"...haha :)

This highlight of the week was on Monday we celebrated Rob's 50th birthday.
We stayed in as he didn't want any fuss. We had an easy low key dinner of steak and potatoes, with a yummy chocolate cake for dessert.
It was perfect. And no fancy dress required!
Rob is very down to Earth. He hates anything fancy and I kind of love that about him. He lives by the motto of simplicity.
For example, when choosing an appliance, he'll always go for the one with the least amount of buttons or options. More opportunity for things to break, he'll say.
And there. Now you know my husband ♥
January was cold, snowy, and dreary.
This was a constant view out our back window. Somedays I would stare at the beauty of it all. Other days, I would roll my eyes in discust. That's the rollercoaster of January. It's pretty....but is it over yet? Yes it is! Hot coffee on dark mornings, Frank Sinatra playing in the kitchen while I make yet another pot of soup....January days are long and cold, but they always end with Rob's birthday cake on the 31st!
Hello to February ♥
What's for dinner??? ♥
Anyway, I want to share with you a delicious recipe today. I think I mentioned when I posted the skillet pear cake recipe (which is soooo yummy btw) that I've fallen in love with cooking with cast iron. Here's another one of my favorite cast iron recipes that I've been making once a week for at least two months. If you are a garlic lover (and we are!!) then you'll love this dinner recipe. The garlic butter sauce to T.D.F!
2-3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
salt & pepper
4 tbsp melted butter
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp dried parsley
2 cloves minced garlic
1 tbsp olive oil
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Salt & pepper the chicken. Set aside.
Heat the olive oil in a cast iron skillet (or oven safe skillet) over medium heat. When the skillet is really hot add the chicken. Sear until golden, about 2 minutes on each side.
Add the Italian seasonings, parsley, & garlic to the melted butter. Pour the mixture over the chicken.
Place the skillet in the oven and bake 20-30 minutes (until chicken is cooked through).
Remove from the oven and serve. Don't forget to spoon some of the garlic butter from the pan over the chicken. It's very garlicy and divine!
YUM!!!!! ♥
I love this quote because cooking makes my soul smile and luckily I get to do it every day! Don't get me wrong, some nights I'm tired...but for the most part I really love it : )
So what are your weekend plans?
Mine include organizing my closet and sorting through my clothes. I'm very interested in the concept of a 10 piece capsule wardrobe. Have you heard of this? It's basically getting rid of everything except 10 good, quality, mix & match, pieces. It clears away the clutter and you utilize what you HAVE. The more I think about this, the more I like it. My dresser and closet are stuffed with things I never wear. It's time to clean house!
Have a wonderful weekend friends!
Stay cozy...spring is coming ♥