Hello Friends! Happy Saturday! ♥
I usually don't blog on Saturdays but this afternoon I am finding myself cozy at home instead of car shopping, which was the plan. It turned out to be a very rainy morning and do you want to know what's worse than car shopping? It's car shopping in the rain. The good news is that we have it narrowed down to what we like, now we just need to find the best "deal." It's progress. And so it continues. Stay tuned...(and pray for me:)

So last week I ended up having a busy work week. I spent most of it at my desk, frustrated, with my face buried in my computer. Not exactly what I love, but sometimes you have no choice in the matter. I found myself complaining more than usual about the littlest things. After a good night sleep last night and the decision not to go car shopping this morning I had the idea of doing a "10 things I love" post because it reminds me to appreciate all the little things in my everyday life that make me happy. There are certainly more of those than there are things to complain about. Its an exercise in gratitude (of which I have a lot of).
So without further adu, here are 10 very random things I love, today:
1. Weekends! Ok that's a given. Everyone loves weekends. But after a work week from hell you love them even more! A slow Saturday morning is something I dream about. This morning I drank 2 cups of coffee on the couch with a blanket while watching a Reelz documentary on Marilyn Monroe. The rain made it extra dark out so I lit a candle and plugged in my twinkle lights and it was blissful.
2. 80's sitcoms. I love an 80's sitcom. There were so many! Lately I've been watching The Facts of Life on Tubi. I love it. It's better than the news, that's for sure. It takes me back to when I was kid and for every night of the week there was a TV line up. Remember that? And you had to be home or you would miss your show. I loved watching Cheers, Taxi, Family Ties, Threes Company (which was slightly inappropriate but I never noticed back then), Happy Days, and Lavern & Shirley. It feels very nostalgic to watch these shows again and reminds me of my childhood. It's the same reason why I love Peanuts and I Love Lucy. TV shaped me and it wasn't a bad thing.
Plus they all had catchy theme songs. Especially this one. I know you know it....: )
3.Walking. I'm still going on my daily walks. It's usually after dinner with John. Twice around our neighborhood is one mile and usually takes us about 20 minutes. Sometimes after a big meal or if we feel extra energetic we go four times, that's 2 miles, which is big for me. I often think of my mom who was in a wheelchair for the last few years of her life and who would have loved to have been able to walk just a few steps. I feel privileged to be able to do it. John and I also have some of our best talks while walking which I am also very grateful for.
4. Cottage cheese and avocado on an English muffin. Oddly specific, yes - but I've been having this for breakfast lately and am thoroughly enjoying it. I know some of you may have an aversion to cottage cheese, but personally I love it. It's a nice alternative to yogurt in the morning. I've been sprinkling it with Everything but the Bagel seasoning and YUMMMM is it good : )
5. Otters. Ok, another one that's oddly specific and maybe just plain ODD, I know. But have you ever looked up otters? They are so cute! I made the mistake (or maybe it wasn't) of liking a video on Instagram of a mama otter hugging her baby otter and now my "for you page" is loaded with Otter content! I'm not mad at it. The videos and pictures make me smile and naturally I forward them to John who likes them too! Treat yourself and search Otters on your Instagram.
You're welcome : )
6. Spring in New England. Color is starting to appear. Buds are budding and my whole neighborhood is yellow from forsythia bushes and daffodils in peoples yard. The trees are starting to turn green and in a few weeks we will have tulips. In the early mornings (when it's not raining) I am happy to see rays of sunshine in the kitchen as I pour my morning coffee. We like this time of year. It means summer is coming too, which if fun to think about. I've put away most of my heavy sweaters and pajamas and am dressing a bit more lightly. I can get away with just a cardigan when I go out and you know how much I love a cardigan. LOTS! ♥
7. Real butter on toast, very sharp cheddar cheese with Ritz crackers, my Dad's homemade brownies, take out eggplant subs from the place down the street, pink grapefruit fizzy water, and chocolate covered pretzels. You think these things mean nothing but they really mean something when you're hungry. That is all : )
8. Cookbooks. I love my cookbooks. I read them like books. I enjoy flipping through the pages and looking at the pictures. Would I ever consider making my own Cheezits? Of course not. But Valerie Bertinelli says I can and it looks so easy! This week I pulled out a stack of my favorite cookbooks, some new some old, and bookmarked a bunch of recipes I want to make in the coming weeks. It will be fun to blog and video them for you. Stay tuned for that!
9. Visits to the library, going to Panera Bread with Rob & John, listening to podcasts while I'm working, cracking the windows on a cool day and letting the fresh air come in, working on my puzzle (same one, I'm determined to finish), and taking my first cup of coffee back to bed with me and slowing drinking it while I wake up. It's a nice way to start the day. I love all those things.
10. The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. I adore this painting. I can't remember when I first saw it, but I just know that I've loved it forever. I love the way it looks and the way it makes me feel. And then one day I heard a song by Don McLean called Vincent and the first line was "starry starry night, paint your palate blue and gray...." and I almost cried because it was so beautiful. A few years ago I visited the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston when they were showing a Van Gogh exhibit. I saw so many of his paintings, including Irises, but not The Starry Night. Where is it? The last time I googled it, it was located at the Met in New York.
It's a wish of mine to see it in person one day, and I will ♥
And there you go.
10 random things (plus a few more) I'm loving today and I feel grateful for each and every one ♥
I hope you are having a lovely weekend. We are off to 4:00 mass tonight and then I'm making pizza for dinner. It looked like the rain has stopped so maybe I'll get my walk in tonight after all.
Stay cozy friends! Enjoy your Sunday. Byeeeeee...xoxo