Hello Friends! ♥
I hope you all had a Happy Halloween! John had a fun night with friends while Rob, my Dad, and myself were home giving out candy. I made a quick pizza for dinner and we took turns going to the door. The weather here is unseasonably warm right now so I expected more kids.
We got a good amount, but not as many as past years. This only means I have a lot of candy left over.
This is both good and bad : )
Another Halloween celebration with great friends. The same ones he's been with since elementary school.
And just like that it's November. Here we go....♥
We have a busy weekend ahead. Tomorrow, we have a tree company coming to take down some trees in our backyard that are dancing dangerously close to the roof. It will be good to get it done and something we won't have to worry about anyone (I'm saying novenas every time there's a storm!). It's going to be loud and hopefully my neighbors won't be too mad. I'll be so glad when it's over.
John is working at the theater this weekend, but we do have time to squeeze in a coffee date for 3 tomorrow morning before the tree guy comes and he goes to work. Some families like to go out to dinner, we go out for coffee and pastries. It's just what we do. We have our best talks in coffee shops. I'm not even kidding ♥
I really love the first few weeks of November. It's still Fall but the excitement of Christmas is coming. We get the best of both worlds. I'll start making Christmas lists and mentally planning for the festive season, but I'm not ready to give up my pumpkin spice just yet. I've waited so long for it. Where I am we are in peak foliage too. The leaves are so bright! And they are falling! Rob and John will be out raking in a few weeks. All the stores around me are starting to look Christmassy and I like seeing that.
I've been thinking a lot about my mom this week. This will be the first holiday season of my life that she won't be here to celebrate with me. Last year she was in the hospital, but she was still here. Not this year. No planning meals together or talking about who's getting what gift this year. We won't shop together or wrap together or anything like that. That makes me very sad. However, I know she's still with me. I feel her presence every day and that brings me comfort. I know she'll be with us this Christmas. She wouldn't miss it. I'll try to make it as special as I can and carry on her traditions. I am excited to put up her tree and bring out her decorations. I think she would like that too.

On Sunday I'm devoting a little time to give my plants some love. I have a bunch that need to be watered, deadheaded, and one in particular that needs to be repotted. I've been so busy lately I've neglected them! Do you ever forget about your plants and then catch one in the corner of your eye one day and it looks like it's been in a dessert for a month? Hello, that's me! I'd show you a picture but I'm too embarrassed.
Well friends, I'm off to watch the Martha Stewart documentary on Netflix. Have you watched it? I've always been team Martha! I miss her old shows! I used to love the craft segments. Would I like to be her best friend? Probably not. But I'd go to her house for lemon cake and I'm sure it would divine.
I hope you all have a cozy weekend! See you Monday! ♥