Monday, March 24, 2025

An ordinary yet productive weekend ♥

Hello from rainy Massachusetts! 

Good Monday morning my friends and I hope you all had a nice weekend.  Mine was so good!  It was beautifully ordinary, yet productive. We had lovely weather on Saturday.  It was in the high 60's and sunny! It definitely felt like spring. Rob and John both had days off so we started the weekend like this...

Out for coffee at our favorite little place 

Later that day Rob went outside to do some yard work while I puttered in the bedroom.  My vanity table is coming this week and I got in my head that I wanted to change the furniture around to make a perfect space for it.  After a few hours (and it would have taken less if I only thought to measure ???) I got it just right! I moved the bed and dresser into different spots and honestly, it feels like a new room.  This is something I remember doing all the time in high school. I would spend a wild Friday night changing around furniture (yup, I was a party girl...:).  The irony is even though I'm 50 years old, I'm in the same room! Doing the same thing! 

I'm so happy with my new layout.  It's fun to change things around sometimes.  Also, sidenote - I have a king size bed and a beast of a dresser. I'm much stronger than I thought I was!  

When I was cleaning out my mother's things I had found these pillowcases.  She had them tucked away in a hope chest and I don't even know where they came from.  They were too pretty to let go.  I finally put them on my bed and I really do love them.  I broke the news to Rob about the wallpaper and I'm happy to report that he is in full support (although thinks I'm a little nuts).  He even knows of a company who will hang it if we're not up for doing it ourselves.  

I'm going to start looking at samples soon. I decided to use the pillowcases as my inspiration 

Meanwhile, John was getting ready to go to a dance at his youth group.  I finished up just in time to drive him to his friends house.  Some of the boys were meeting there and then carpooling to the church.  He had an amazing time at the dance!!

Last week all the kids had a meeting after mass where they were loosely taught how to properly waltz.  At the dance all the boys were given a list of girls to dance with.  In between fast dances they had to dance waltzes with each girl.  John danced with 10 girls! 

I heard the DJ was great, there was a photo booth, sit down meal with assigned tables (like a wedding), and lots of laughs.  I think the purpose was to have the boys and girls actually mix with each other (very old fashioned and I love it!).  

He had so much fun! 

Rob continued digging holes while I made dinner.  We decided on rhododendrons and forsythias for bushes in a little side patio area of our yard.  I know it's early days, but once he decides to do something, it's done yesterday! Off he went to Lowes and before I knew it, the plants were planted.  It's officially spring! Next up are the flower boxes but it's still a little too cold for me.  A few more weeks and I'll be ready.  

On Sunday I took my Dad furniture shopping. He got a couch and loveseat for his sitting area off the bedroom. I think he's excited to have his own little retreat to decorate the way he wants.  He had already picked out a carpet a few months ago and we got the furniture to match. Mostly neutral and navy tones. Very warm and cozy!  The couch and loveseat are navy.  All he needs now is a coffee table, end table, and possibly a recliner chair but we want to see how the furniture looks in there first.  It's being delivered next week.  Here's a sneak peek from the store...

We both loved the set.  Very comfortable too! 

We just found out he's going to have knee replacement surgery next month, so our goal is to finish the room by then.  

I will leave you today with a picture of last night's dinner, which was my favorite meal of the weekend.  Homemade sauce with sausages and spinach & cheese raviolis. Comfort food at its finest! 

It's rainy and cold today and not at all like it was over the weekend but I know warmer days are coming.  I'm off to make a cup of tea and get some work done. 

I hope you all had a nice weekend too!  Even it was ordinary.  

They really are the best days! :) 


Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Things I Know... ♥

Here are some things I know... 

The things I know:

I know I need 7 hours of sleep a night to not feel tired during the day. 

I know I feel better when I don't skip lunch and eat 3 meals a day. 

I know my skin loves it when I wash my face at night and moisturize it before bed. 

I know coffee in the morning is essential to my well being and the well being of others around me.

I know as far as friends are concerned quality is way more important than quantity. 

I know, for me, simple living is best. 

I know the power of a comfortable pair of slippers and a soft cardigan.

I know that nothing is permanent and all situations will change at some point - for better or worse.  

I know that carrot cake is a very underrated dessert.  Very delicious too. 

I know that I Love Lucy had made me feel happy since I was 12 years old. 

I know that I like to be alone sometimes. 

I know that it's ok to say no things that I really don't want to do.  

I know I need to please myself before I please others.  

I also know that Paul is the best Beatle, Rose should have saved Jack, and life is too short not to eat dessert.

These are just some of things I know to be true.  For me 

Happy First Day of Spring!  

I know I'm happy about that too! 

Love you! Xx 

PS I also know that the carnation is a very underrated flower...don't you think so? 

Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day ♥

Hello Friends and Happy St. Patrick's Day! 🍀

I thought I would show you this beautiful bowl of veggies that will become my dinner tonight!  I have a little prep work to do peeling and chopping but once that is done it all goes into one big pot - easy peasy!  I'm making a smoked shoulder (ham) as our main.  We prefer that to corned beef. That's what my mother always made for us growing up.  It's a meal we only have once a year and we all really enjoy it! Even Rob who isn't even a bit Irish, loves it. 

I made my friend Elieen's Irish bread to go with it.  We've been noshing on it all weekend.  I brought some to my mother in laws on Saturday and everyone really enjoyed it.  Eileens recipe has a little sour cream in it so it's not as dry as traditional Irish breads.  

It's so good with morning coffee or afternoon tea :) 

This past weekend we had beautiful weather.  Yesterday was 67 degrees!  I had all our screen doors open just for a little while.  It felt good to change the air in the house.  I think every bird in the neighborhood was singing because all I could hear was chirping.  Rob and I sat out on our back deck on Sunday morning and had a 30-minute conversation about what kinds of flowers we're planting this spring (now that's a conversation I can get into:).  It got me very excited for the nice weather and I can't wait for a trip to the garden center. I don't think I've ever been this excited for spring before. Like ever. 

Today is a rainy Monday but I'm not bothered by it.  I'm working from home today, so I'll stay cozy while my boiled dinner bubbles on the stove 

Another thing that got me very excited this weekend was I bought a vanity table for the bedroom! I've been thinking about getting one for a long time and finally bit the bullet.  I found one I love on Amazon.  It's white and has pretty lights around the mirror.  It comes with a cute stool and 5 drawers for all my things.  I can't wait to set it up and organize my makeup.  It's time for me to do a BIG purge of old beauty products anyway and this is a good excuse to do it.  Since we've been remodeling the bathroom, I'm slowing going through each room little by little and making mental notes of things I want to update and change.  Wait until Rob finds out I want to wallpaper the bedroom! OH DEAR that should go over well! LOL  But don't you just love wallpaper?  I miss it! 

I'll show you the vanity once it arrives and I get it set up.  It feels very vintage to me (even though it's not) and my heart loves that 

Well, I better get back to work now.  

I hope you all have a very HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!  

Have a great week, my friends!  Cheers! 🍀

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

It's March and almost Spring! ♥


Hello Friends! Happy March! 

In 8 days it will officially be spring, and I can feel it coming! After a very long and cold winter, Mother Nature is working her magic and we are starting to thaw out.  Yesterday was in the 60's and sunny!  No, my crocuses have not started sprouting yet, but I'll bet they are right below the surface, just waiting for the right moment to make their grand entrance.  Normally I am the first one to complain about daylight savings and losing that precious hour of sleep (and I'm still not nuts about that part) but I have to admit that having some extra daylight at the end of the day has been nice. Late afternoon yesterday I stepped outside to take a breath of fresh air and check out the bushes (looking for buds!!).  I only had a light sweater on and it wasn't pitch black out.  That's progress!  I want to plant pansies in my flower boxes so badly, but we are still getting frost at night, so I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer.  

My indoor plants however, are ready to party!  I thought this plant was dead and then all of sudden it started sprouting flowers.  I am over the moon about it!  It was a gift from my father-in-law and I promised to take good care of it.  

Last week was a very long week for me which is why I was absent from here.  I was feeling a little under the weather, so I rested and now thankfully I'm feeling better.  I force myself to do that now and it really helps. What I've discovered is pretty much everything can wait.  It's true (you heard it here : ) 

You know what also helps?  Cookie skillets! I made my first one and boy was it good!!  So easy and yummy! I'll link the recipe *here*.  I first had a cookie skillet when I visited my friend BJ in Pennsylvania a few years ago.  Cookie skillets are her daughter Peyton's specialty and BJ's favorite dessert! BJ, this one wasn't as good as Peyton's, but I gave it my best shot! : )

You must have this warm with vanilla ice cream!  OMG the best medicine there is! 

 So now here we are, Lent has begun, and everyone is planning for Easter and springtime. It's a nice time of year.  You know what's weird though?  I keep thinking about Christmas. The holidays seemed to go by so fast for me. I mean, more than usual.  Last week I watched a few of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies (that I have saved forever on my DVR) and they brought me such joy!  I want to lock that joy inside me. I'm trying to carry that feeling with me every day.  Somedays are harder than others, but I'm trying.  Just like Elvis sings " Why can't everyday be like Christmas...what a wonderful world it would be." 

Anyway, forward we march...(I know, I'm all over the place!) 

On Sunday we attended my niece's baptism.  It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun.  As usual I took more pictures of food than actual people!  To be transparent, I leave those photos to my sister-in-law Val, whose so much better at it!  She takes all the family pics and then sends them out in a group text. 

This photography is more my speed...

Look at Sara's table.  So pretty and springy!  She had all her Easter decor up and it was inspiring! 

After Church we had a catered lunch back at their house and it was delicious! 

Every detail was so lovely! 

This weekend I'm going to make an Irish bread and plan our St. Patrick's Day menu.  I usually do a boiled dinner and Rob will get the Guiness!  The house will stink of cabbage for a day, but hey, that's what traditions are made of!  My husband absolutely loves it which goes to show you, everyone is Irish (even Italians!) on St. Patrick's day 

No, we don't have lasagna! LOL   


Have a wonderful Day friends! 

I hope Spring is starting to spring for you too! Xx 

PS - here's a bathroom update.  We have a floor and a working sink and toilet! YAY! 

Time to pick out colors for the walls and trim and we need a mirror! 

It's getting there! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

My Wedding Dress ♥

 A few weeks ago I was going through a closet and I found a box with my wedding vail in it.  At the bottom of the box were these two polaroids of me in my wedding dress.  These were taken at Rob's parents house.  I have a vague memory of me bringing my dress over to show my mother-in-law.  I can't remember who took the photos!  

I remember being so excited about this dress and even looking at it now, almost 27 years later, I still love it. I only went out dress shopping one time.  My mom and I went to a bridal store called David's Bridal in Dedham, MA. 
 (A very popular wedding store in my area.  I got my bridesmaids dresses there too :)

I tried on 4 dresses.  This was the second dress I tried on.  The dress cost $300 and I thought it was much too expensive, but my mom convinced me it wasn't and bought it for me.  

I loved the neckline and lace sleeves because it reminded me of Cinderella and felt very "fairytale" to me.  It was not the type of dress I had in mind for myself that day, but as soon as I tried it on I knew it was for me.  

Because of the dress, we I picked invitations that had a horse & carriage on them, very reminiscent of Cinderella's pumpkin coach.  

We also went to Disney World for our honeymoon 

Rob and I always say now if we had to do it all over again we would do things a lot different.  Much smaller and simpler.  Just grab a few friends and some family and go out to dinner. I definitely still think that, but the one thing I would miss would be the dress.  A girl doesn't get that many opportunities to be Cinderella 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday Thoughts ♥

 Hello Friends! Happy Monday! I've been busy working all day but wanted to pop in and say a quick hello and show you my hyacinth plant.  A sure sign that spring is on the way! Every year at this time I treat myself to one from the grocery store.  I LOVE the smell of these plants.  This one has three big bulbs, so I'll be blessed with lots of flowers.  Year after year I replant the bulbs but I've never had luck with them blooming again.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'm hopeful this is my year.   

After a very busy and stressful week last week, I had a nice restful weekend and I'm feeling positive about the week ahead.  I heard a quote yesterday that really resonated with me.  It was "happiness is not a destination" and isn't it the truth. How many times have we said to ourselves "I'll be happy when (fill in the blank...)" but it never ends, does it?!  I'll be happy when I lose 10 pounds, or I'll be happy when I get a promotion. I'll be happy when I buy a house or have a baby or go on a trip.  And so on and so on and so on.  There's always more.  It's never a destination.  It's a journey. I don't think anyone is truly happy all the time no matter what they have or have done, are they?  I think I'm striving more for contentment than happiness, if that makes sense.  And like everything else, I take it one day at a time.  I can't worry about tomorrow.  I can only live today. Anyway, that's what I was thinking about and wanted to share with you.  

The weather here today is sunny and in the 40's.  I'm hearing this week we may even touch 50!  I have the heat a touch lower today which is nice, and it doesn't look like I'll need a fire in the wood burner this week! :)

Tonight's plans are chicken francese for dinner (a new recipe I saw online last night) and watching the movie Conclave.  Have you seen it?  Next week is the Oscars and I've hardly seen any of the movies! 

Have a great night, friends! 


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

10 Things I Love (plus a few more) : Winter Edition ♥

Hello Friends! Happy Tuesday! 

I hope you all had a nice weekend and a lovely Valentine's Day!  My eggplant parm was delicious and we spent the rest of the weekend cozy at home by the fire, watching movies.  I organized our pantry on Saturday afternoon, which sounds quite boring but let me tell you - it was so satisfying!  When you make the conscious decision to look at every expiration date you would be amazed how long some of the items in your panty have been hanging around.  Scary.  I threw away so much stuff.  Also, I organized all the pots, pans, bowls, utensils, books, and various other things in there.  My pantry is now a work of art!  All that's left are a few drawers and then lay down some pretty Susan Branch shelf paper and then I'll give you a tour : ) 

A snowstorm came rolling in on Saturday night which was totally fine because we had no plans for Sunday.  I never mind the snow when it happens on a weekend! I can simply look out the window and enjoy it. It's currently FREEZING here and any snow that was left on the ground has turned to ice.  Oh spring....where are you??  My thoughts are gently drifting to April and May and all the pretty spring flowers that will be blooming.  They are there somewhere under all that ice just waiting to make their grand entrance.  I'm ready to roll out the red carpet.  This winter has been brutal.  So cold and grim.  Even I, a certified lover of the colder months, am wishing them away and that's very unusual for me. 

Whenever I feel myself going down the path of complaining and being grumpy, I like to list things that make me happy. It sounds silly I know, but it's a little exercise I do to remind myself that good things can be found in little places, even on bad days.  For example - doing my taxes is no fun, but having a little square of dark chocolate and cup of earl gray tea while I do it somehow makes it bearable.  Yes, it's a cold grim winter, but cozy socks and a blanket keep me warm and happy.  See what I mean?  That's why I started the 10 random things I love posts.  It's a nice reminder.  I was thinking today that I haven't done one of those posts in a while so let's go for it.  

On a very cold and gray February day, here are 10 random things I love: winter edition.

Also here is a recent selfie of me headed to a baby shower.  I was dressed up and had jewelry on so I thought I should document it : ) 

Ok, back to the list... 

1. Getting coffee with friends.  A few weeks ago I met my friend Julie for coffee at a new bakery that opened up in town and it was so fun.  Getting out of the house for a little while and chatting with a girlfriend over hot drinks and almond croissants was so good for my mental health.  It was freezing that day as well, but all I felt was the warmth of the oven in that little bakery and I was so happy to sit with Julie to talk about her recent trip to Ireland.  Mark my words, someday I will get myself overseas 

2.  Wearing hats.  I have always felt that I was not a hat person.  I don't have a "hat face" and I feel silly in them.  I feel like I stick out in a crowd for looking so ridiculous.  I'm sure most of that is all in my head, but nonetheless, I've never felt comfortable in a hat.  Recently I've discovered that wearing a warm knitted winter hat (yes, with a pom-pom ball on top) actually does keep me warm and since I've turned 50 I no longer care if I have a "hat face" or not, something my mother was telling me my entire life. Just another thing she was right about. 
So I'm wearing the hat! It's cozy, it keeps me warm, and I love it!!!  (side note - I have no photo for evidence, but my hat is blue, the pom-pom is white and I have no shame.  In fact, I'm looking into getting more hats for next winter in more colors. 


3. Creating moments.  One of my favorite YouTube channels is Nicolas Fairford.  If you've never heard of him, I encourage you to check him out.  One thing that Nicolas always stresses is to never save anything "for best." In other words, don't save things for only special occasions or holidays.  Make every day special and use your things!  I love having tea or coffee in a pretty China cup, so I make a moment for myself.  It's a treat and reminds me to take time and enjoy things, or else why have them.  My mom gave me this little tea set for one years ago. 
 I've been enjoying using it 

4. Embracing the simple life.  I'm learning every day.  As I get older, I realize the less stuff I have the better.  It's easier to organize and keep track of.  When my life is simplified, I feel at peace. 

This book says it all...

5. Making things from scratch.  I'm trying to live up to my new year's promise to make more things from scratch.  So far, it's going well.  I'm having fun and saving money at the grocery store too.  Bread, marinara sauce, baked goods, etc.  And every time I feel like I want to order take out I stop and think about what I could make at home first.  Not that we don't ever treat ourselves (trust me we do!), I'm just trying to cut down on it a little bit.  It's just as easy to make pizza at home than order out if I already have the sauce made and ready to go.  And you all know how I feel about dough... that's a pleasure to make!  Or egg and cheese sandwiches.  Why go to the drive through when we can make them in 5 minutes at home.  Cooking is therapy for me.  It's crucial in my life. Also, cooking in winter is best because it warms the house and who doesn't love comfort food?! 

6.  My Charlie Brown Christmas water bottle.  John gave it to me for Christmas.  I love it so much I didn't want to put it away.  Why can't I use it all year? In fact, I think I will...: ) 

7. This perfume I got from my mother-in-law for Christmas. I've mentioned it before, but I have to mention it again because I'm so over the moon for it.  She got it in Italy last October, but you can get it on Amazon - here. It's called Essence of The Park.  It smells like the perfect spring day.  I'm obsessed and will probably wear it forever 

Plus I love the bottle.  She's so pretty 

8. Ogunquit, ME.  We have officially booked a long weekend in Ogunquit in August, and I cannot wait to return.  We visited last year for the first time (I wrote about it here) and I fell in love with it.  I truly felt at peace there and have been thinking about it ever since.  The seaside, the shops, the lobster rolls! YES PLEASE.  It's so nice, in the dead of winter, to have something to look forward too. We'll be there over John's birthday weekend so that will be a treat too.  18! Oh dear, can you believe that?! I can't! 

9.  Shamrock Shakes! It's that time of year again. I have to get one once a year and the time is now! So yummy and something I most certainly cannot make at home : ) 

McDonald's also has really delicious French vanilla coffee...just sayin~ 

10. Grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches, big band music, Freida McFadden books, weekends, drinking my first cup of coffee in bed while still under the covers, car rides with John, strawberry chap stick, Alfred Hitchcock movies, thinking about Christmas when it's not Christmas, brunch, cozy pj's, cute little bunnies in my yard (I don't care that they eat the flowers), not dieting, The Mary Tyler Moore Show (which I've always loved and have recently been watching on YouTube - such a great show!), wallpaper (let's bring it back- enough plain white everything...:), crafts, blog friends, scrapbooks, homemade soup, warm blueberry muffins, book stores, libraries, Yankee Candles, white twinkle lights around the kitchen window, stars, Hallmark movies (I'm still watching Christmas ones! - no shame), cardigan sweaters (I wear one every day - for life), vintage cards, and more and more but I will stop now.....

So there you have it - 10 random things I love (plus a few more off the top of my head) to think about while I plug away during this long dark winter.  I'm noticing the days are getting a bit longer which is indeed a good sign.  

There's #11! : ) 

Have a great week, my lovely friends! Life has been hectic for me lately so please forgive my absence.  I will be visiting your blogs soon.  I'm so grateful for our little space on the internet.  Isn't it wonderful?! 

Stay cozy friends! 

Be back soon! xoxox 

Yup! 😊