Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday Morning ♥


Hello Lovely Friends! 

Here we are at another Monday already.  The week is off to a cold start in my neck of the woods.  I lit the fire all by myself this morning.  My second time ever doing in and I think it was a success since it's warm as toast in here and I have all my heat shut off.  Yay.  I'm working at my kitchen table this morning because with the fire going, it's the coziest spot in the house. 

 I have to food shop tomorrow and you know how it is the day before food shop day....old Mother Hubbard's cupboard is bare! I took a quick look in the pantry, and I saw a can of crushed pineapple, so I whipped up a little coffee cake for breakfast to enjoy by the fire.  Hey, we work with what we have, right?!  It turned out very good and I will link the recipe below (another Pinterest success story!).  

The rest of the day I'll be seated right here, working away on my laptop and keeping warm.  It's going to be a busy week with lots more adulting (boo) but I'll try to find bits of joy tucked in there somewhere.  Fingers crossed.  Also, Friday is Rob's birthday so I need to start planning for that. 

Have a great day friends! 

I have to put another log on the fire and get some work done.  What are your Monday plans? 

Stay cozy! 

PS I made that "old Mother Hubbard" reference to John yesterday and he had NO IDEA what I was talking about.  I'm really getting old.  Maybe I AM old Mother Hubbard! : ) 


  1. Great work on that fire Lady! I love the expression "warm as toast" - it sounds so cozy. :) That coffee cake sounds wonderful! Nothing better than a sweet pastry and coffee. Happy early bday to Rob! My Monday plans included getting my hair cut and colored and running errands - I hit the ground running today! Blessings to you and stay cozy. xoxo

  2. My Monday was focused on a bit of laundry. You have a special week ahead! I love planning for birthdays! Great job on that fire!

  3. Happy Monday, Danielle! Great job on the fire! It looks so warm and cozy. Your coffee cake looks delicious, too. I made a carrot cake this afternoon. It's perfect for snacking and breakfast! I'm familiar with "old Mother Hubbard" - I must be old too! Although I don't feel old, so I guess that's a good thing! My Monday plans included running an errand, baking, catching up with my brother on the phone - it was his birthday a few days ago, and laundry. Happy early birthday to Rob! Will you be baking a cake? Have a great week, dear friend.

  4. Look at your fire! Well done!
    I know all about Ole Mother Hubbard. I'm old I guess, lol! Your coffee cake sounds delicious. I made oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies yesterday because we finally had rain. It was cold and gloomy outside and warm and toasty inside. I lit all the candles and sat by the fireplace. It was a perfect day.
    Have a beautiful week and stay warm!
