Wednesday, March 12, 2025

It's March and almost Spring! ♥


Hello Friends! Happy March! 

In 8 days it will officially be spring, and I can feel it coming! After a very long and cold winter, Mother Nature is working her magic and we are starting to thaw out.  Yesterday was in the 60's and sunny!  No, my crocuses have not started sprouting yet, but I'll bet they are right below the surface, just waiting for the right moment to make their grand entrance.  Normally I am the first one to complain about daylight savings and losing that precious hour of sleep (and I'm still not nuts about that part) but I have to admit that having some extra daylight at the end of the day has been nice. Late afternoon yesterday I stepped outside to take a breath of fresh air and check out the bushes (looking for buds!!).  I only had a light sweater on and it wasn't pitch black out.  That's progress!  I want to plant pansies in my flower boxes so badly, but we are still getting frost at night, so I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer.  

My indoor plants however, are ready to party!  I thought this plant was dead and then all of sudden it started sprouting flowers.  I am over the moon about it!  It was a gift from my father-in-law and I promised to take good care of it.  

Last week was a very long week for me which is why I was absent from here.  I was feeling a little under the weather, so I rested and now thankfully I'm feeling better.  I force myself to do that now and it really helps. What I've discovered is pretty much everything can wait.  It's true (you heard it here : ) 

You know what also helps?  Cookie skillets! I made my first one and boy was it good!!  So easy and yummy! I'll link the recipe *here*.  I first had a cookie skillet when I visited my friend BJ in Pennsylvania a few years ago.  Cookie skillets are her daughter Peyton's specialty and BJ's favorite dessert! BJ, this one wasn't as good as Peyton's, but I gave it my best shot! : )

You must have this warm with vanilla ice cream!  OMG the best medicine there is! 

 So now here we are, Lent has begun, and everyone is planning for Easter and springtime. It's a nice time of year.  You know what's weird though?  I keep thinking about Christmas. The holidays seemed to go by so fast for me. I mean, more than usual.  Last week I watched a few of my favorite Hallmark Christmas movies (that I have saved forever on my DVR) and they brought me such joy!  I want to lock that joy inside me. I'm trying to carry that feeling with me every day.  Somedays are harder than others, but I'm trying.  Just like Elvis sings " Why can't everyday be like Christmas...what a wonderful world it would be." 

Anyway, forward we march...(I know, I'm all over the place!) 

On Sunday we attended my niece's baptism.  It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun.  As usual I took more pictures of food than actual people!  To be transparent, I leave those photos to my sister-in-law Val, whose so much better at it!  She takes all the family pics and then sends them out in a group text. 

This photography is more my speed...

Look at Sara's table.  So pretty and springy!  She had all her Easter decor up and it was inspiring! 

After Church we had a catered lunch back at their house and it was delicious! 

Every detail was so lovely! 

This weekend I'm going to make an Irish bread and plan our St. Patrick's Day menu.  I usually do a boiled dinner and Rob will get the Guiness!  The house will stink of cabbage for a day, but hey, that's what traditions are made of!  My husband absolutely loves it which goes to show you, everyone is Irish (even Italians!) on St. Patrick's day 

No, we don't have lasagna! LOL   


Have a wonderful Day friends! 

I hope Spring is starting to spring for you too! Xx 

PS - here's a bathroom update.  We have a floor and a working sink and toilet! YAY! 

Time to pick out colors for the walls and trim and we need a mirror! 

It's getting there! 

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