Hello Friends. Merry Christmas. I didn't take many photos on Christmas this year. Somehow it didn't seem fitting. To be totally honest it was the worst holiday I've ever had. It was odd, different, and sad. No matter how hard people tried, there was an emptiness that could not be filled. It never will be.
Looking back now I see there were some moments, very few, that I did smile. That for a brief second I forgot....and it was Christmas. But then I remembered again and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed. But I didn't. I was happy when it was over. Relieved. And now I can say, I survived. We tried and did our best. The best we could under the circumstances. I ordered food in and we stayed cozy and watched movies. And we prayed.
With the help of family and friends, near and far, we tried to stay upbeat. We talked about my mom and told funny stories. I guess that's what people do in these cases. That's really all you can do. I love Christmas. I don't want to not love it. So I'll continue to love it. For my mom.
And now I move forward. I want to feel like myself again. Get back to baking and all the stuff I love to do. My mom will always be with me. I know that. She loved all the things I love. We had that in common.
People say in time I will feel better. Little by little I'll get there, like so many of you already have ♥
Thank you to everyone who reached out me on here, Instagram, or text. It means the world to me to know I was in so many of your good thoughts and prayers this Christmas. We really are a beautiful community here, aren't we : )
So what's my plan? Well, these days I don't plan too far in advance, but I do know my immediate future (i.e tonight) consists of finishing The Crown, Christmas leftovers, and being as cozy as humanly possible under a blanket on my couch. This week has always been my favorite week of the year. Everyone seems to slow down and now it's needed more than ever. The stillness and calmness is a beautiful thing. Winter is my favorite season for that exact reason. It's a time of reflection and recharging the batteries (and boy do I need that). Like every year, I bought myself a nice new planner. I've been enjoying filling in special dates and things to remember going into the new year.
I do hope you had Merry Christmas and enjoyed all the celebrations! I hope you ate good food and spent time with your loved ones.
Happy new year friends! What are you doing new years eve? I got new sweatpants just for the occasion! :)
Love to all! and thank you ♥♥♥