Monday, June 10, 2024

No-Churn Vanilla Buttermilk Ice Cream ♥

 Good Morning Friends! Hapy Monday! I have missed you! 

I have been in the middle of a huge work project that has been taking up most of my time the past few weeks.  Thankfully, I do see light at end of the tunnel and soon I'll be back to my regular schedule. Whew!

 It's been quite busy, but I am proud of myself for getting what I need to get done, done. I've spent most of the past two weeks at my desk with my head down or on zoom meetings.  I don't usually do well under pressure.  Where some people thrive on it, it's not my thing.  Unfortunately, sometimes in life we just have to go with what's thrown at us. And that's what I'm doing.  For now 

Anyway, aside from all that business, it's an exciting time around here.  The school year is winding down. John has a week and a half to go and it's jam packed with activities.  Last week he had his year end band concert.  It's was a wonderful show! Later that week there was an ice cream social for all the members of band.  On Saturday he preformed at the High School Graduation and then he was off to a fellow band member/friend's house for a "jam session".  Music is everything these days.  Tonight is the band awards night, which Rob and I are looking forward to attending.  Later this week there is an after school event to celebrate the juniors entering senior year (I know, I can't believe it either!!), he's volunteered to help the Junior high band at 2 shows during the week at the junior high school for community service, and finals start Friday! Are you tired yet? I sure am!!  Meanwhile he's trying to put the final touches on his summer work situation which looks like will be two part time jobs.  He's busting with energy and excitement! This is the one place John and I differ.  He loves to be busy.  I absolutely hate it.  Give me slow and boring any day. But this isn't about me :)

This Saturday we have a date to see Inside Out 2 and I can't wait.  

I'm bringing tissues! 

As for Rob, he's been busy working hard and on the weekends, he's doing lots of yard work around here making our yard look pretty.  When I step outside, I love to smell the fresh grass and mulch.  He likes to putter outside and that's ok with me.  Yesterday he hosed down the deck and cleaned it all off.  There was so much pollen!  Now I can bring my laptop out there and work if I want to.  I'll take advantage of that before it gets too hot.  It was a bit humid last weekend and I did catch my October loving heart complaining.... I'll try not to do that....too much. 

Lately I like to sit outside and watch the birds, bunnies, and chipmunks.  It's very peaceful and calming.  Especially on busy days.  

Despite being so busy with work last week I was determined to try this summer recipe I saw in Valerie Bertinelli's new cookbook Endulge (which was kindly gifted to me by my bestie BJ).  It's a no-churn vanilla buttermilk ice cream.  YUM!  It only took a few minutes to put together and no ice cream machine was needed! The only downside is you have to let it freeze overnight before you can try it.

That was hard! 

No Churn Vanilla Buttermilk Ice Cream, pg 296

So easy and delicious!  I decided this will be the summer of homemade ice cream!  Last night I made a quick blueberry cobbler and we had the rest of it with that.  

My Dad really loved it! 

 And there you have it! Summer is here! : ) 

I hope you all having a nice Monday! I've got to work now, but I'll be back soon.



  1. Thank you for sharing the ice cream recipe. I'll have to try it. I hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. You too, Lori! And thank you! The ice cream is delicious. I hope you try it. It's the buttermilk that makes it extra special! : )

  2. That looks delicious! Homemade ice cream brings back summer memories of sitting on the back porch. My step mom had a crank ice cream machine. She would make homemade peach ice cream and made it look so easy. Those were the days :)

    1. Yes, those were the good old days indeed! I want to go back to that time :)
      And homemade peach ice cream sounds delicious! I'm adding that flavor to my wish list!

  3. Love all the wonderful photos - your flowers are glorious! And that ice cream sounds heavenly!! I'm happy to hear that your big work project is almost done.
    And yay for John! And all that lifes ahead. I have just been through exactly all you're going through. The final senior things and graduation looming. I lived to tell the tale and I know you'll get through with flying colors. Just keep those tissues handy! Lol My empathizing Momma heart is holding yours up in love and with lots of hugs. Blessings to you always dear Danielle. xo

    1. Thank you Carrie! I'm emotional just thinking about it!! Where has the time gone? I'm going to try and enjoy every step of the way : )
      I see a lot of ice cream in my future! LOL

  4. So happy you are enjoying the book! And thanks for trying the ice cream first! And John cannot be a senior next year. I forbid it.

    1. The book is amazing!! There are so many other recipes I want to try!
      And I know....ugh! I'm in denial! xx

  5. I been eyeing Valerie's new cookbook - I think I need to take the plunge and buy it! The ice cream looks delicious and so easy! I don't have an ice cream maker so this would be perfect. Congrats on another successful school year for John. It's hard to believe he will be a senior next year. I'm having a hard to believing my daughter will be a freshman! Happy first day of summer! Your flowers are gorgeous!
