Almost every night for the last three weeks I've been in my room watching The Tudors. I am addicted to this show and everything associated with it. Have you seen it? It's a fictional/factual based account of the reign and marriages of King Henry VIII. His story rivals any modern day soap opera that I have ever seen (and I've watched a lot of soap operas in my days). Everything about this time period intrigues me: The Renaissance, the Tower, the clothes, the jewels, the wives. I am in deep. I am probably the last one in the world to watch it, but thanks to Netflix I have quickly caught up. The only problem is that I'm on the last season and I don't want it to end : (
It all stared the day I listened to The History Chicks podcast about the six wives of Henry VIII. I had downloaded their biography of Julia Child (which was amazing, by the way) and I noticed on their website a podcast about Henry's wives. For some reason I downloaded it and from that day on I have been hooked on all things Tudor. I needed to know more. From there came more podcasts, documentaries, websites, Facebook pages, twitter accounts (did you know Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn are on twitter? Weird but true ) and this amazing Showtime series that I am enjoying so much. Not to mention that Jonathan Rhys Meyers is quite a cutie, and looks nothing at all like Henry VIII. Thank you Showtime - in my mind Henry will always be far more attractive than he actually was ♥
I am also currently reading a book called Anne Boleyn by Norah Lofts. Out of all the wives I find her story the most fascinating. She was Henry's second wife, the Queen that fell from grace and met a tragic end. Very tragic. Henry claimed that he "built her up and could bring her down" and that's exactly what he did. True love turned to such hate. Her story is complex and I'm just scratching the surface. I have so much more to learn.
Here is what I know for sure. Number 1: Henry VIII was not a good husband (if he even looks at you run for the hills!). Number 2. Being a lady in Henry's court was not easy. Women were political pawns and not treated very nicely. Although they did get to were beautiful gowns and jewels. Number 3. Good luck spinning the roulette wheel of childbirth. Even if you are lucky enough to survive the labor (with no epidural! ) you best be having a boy. Especially if you have already promised the King you would.
I'll post some links at the bottom of this post to a few Tudor related websites and podcasts in case you are interested. Personally, I can't get enough of the drama : )

In real life news: My husband has been asking me to make scones for weeks. I finally had time today to whip up a batch. This recipe for cinnamon chip scones is my favorite. If you don't have cinnamon chips you can use regular chocolate chips OR you can do what I did today - half and half. It's so good! Scones are the perfect treat for anytime of day. Rob (the husband) likes them with his coffee in the morning, and I prefer them with afternoon tea. Either way they are yummy!

Here's how to make them:
3 1/4 cups flour
1/3 cup sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 cup cold butter (12 tablespoons), cut in cubes
1 cup buttermilk (if you don't have buttermilk on hand don't forget about the lemon juice/milk trick)
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup cinnamon chips (today I did half cinnamon/half chocolate chips)
melted butter and cinnamon/sugar to dust on top

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
In a large mixing bowl combine the dry ingredients. Cut in the butter with your fingers until it forms course crumbs. Stir in the buttermilk and vanilla. Fold in the cinnamon chips. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead gently (*flour you hands first so the dough won't stick to your fingers*)

Press dough into a large disk, about 1 - 1 1/2 inches thick. Use a biscuit cutter dipped in flour (mine is 4 inches) to cut out biscuits. Place at least 1 inch apart on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

Brush each one with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

Bake for 13 - 15 minutes. Makes about 8-10 large scones. The first cinnamon scone I ever had was at Starbucks. This recipe taste just like it! ♥ Enjoy.

I needed the perfect something to go with my book today and this scone did the trick. It also kept me away from my TV for far too long, so off I go - back to my bedroom. Season 4 awaits me!
And just in case you are a Tudor geek like me, here are just a few links that you might find interesting...
Well, that's it for me today. I hope all is well in your part of the world. It's cold and blustery here and tomorrow I'm making soup. Happy Fall~
Have a great weekend, friends! xo

♥ Lamp post at my parent's house. My Dad is so clever ♥
Oh your scones look so delicious! Perfect for this cold & windy day with a nice cup of tea...and Jonathan Rhys Meyers, of course! :D
ReplyDeleteGuess what? You are not the last person in the world to watch the Tudors. I haven't watched a single episode. I'm not sure it plays on regular cable here in Ontario, Canada. If I come across it, I will be sure to watch!
ReplyDeleteYour scones look scrumptious! Thank you for sharing the recipe. I have only every baked plain and cheese scones. Yours look very interesting - perfect treat for fall! Have a wonderful week! xoxo
These scones look delicious! I have been wanting to watch that series and haven't done it yet. Sounds like a good series to get hooked on this winter. I am currently Netflixing Beauty and the Beast, the CW show it has been good.
I have been wanting to watch that series and haven't done it yet. I am currently Netflixing Beauty and the Beast the CW show, it has been good. Your scones look delicious!