Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Bunch of Randomness ♥

Hello Friends! 
Thank you for the nice comments on my last post about old style blogging.  It's nice to know I'm not the only one missing it. Let's get on a mission to bring it back. 

Is "randomness" even a word??  My computer didn't highlight it in red to autocorrect, so I guess it is! 
I was going through my camera roll and my photos taken over the past week are so random I just had to share.  My Dad always makes comments when he sees me taking pictures of seemingly nothing and says "oh am I gonna see this on Facebook??"  No Dad I say..."of course not".  What he doesn't know is the blog is a different story.  

We are all kindred spirits here and I love you that 

What do you think about the new addition to my bedroom?  It's an old plant stand that was folded up and buried on our back porch.  I dusted it off and fell in love it with it.  I just got rid of an old glider chair in this corner and had a big empty space waiting to be filled. I decorated it with a plant I got for mother's day, my favorite picture of my parents, some books, a candle, and a basket with a hand knit blanket one of the nurses gave my mom in the hospital.  It's purple, her favorite color.  I think it looks nice.  I will probably change the décor around a hundred times and I'm excited about that.  Of course my mind went right to Christmas because you can best bet there will be lights and a little tree on the top shelf.  Can't wait for that! 


I treated myself to some new lip products this week too.  You all know I'm a makeup junkie and nothing makes me happier than new makeup.  This was a little set I picked up at CVS. It wasn't expensive (which also makes me happy- I love a bargain!) and the color is very pretty.  Perfect for going into the warmer weather.  The candle I got for Christmas from my sister and I just moved it into the bathroom.  

It smells like the beach 

A rainy day, newspaper, and cup of coffee.  Yes please. 

 I could sit here forever 

I had leftover scones from the strawberry shortcake I made mother's day weekend so I froze them.  I had forgotten all about them until one morning it hit me.  The scones! I defrosted two.  Strawberry Jam on one, lemon curd on the other.  I was so happy that day :) 

More bunnies!!  This spring our neighborhood is loaded with them.  We seem them every night.  I'm a little obsessed!  I took a picture of this one and my phone accidently make it look like a watercolor painting.  

I kind of want to frame it  

I snapped a picture of this tree on my walk last night.  I've walked past this tree probably a million times and never noticed it has wisteria growing on it!! I looked up to see a bird and I was so surprised to see all the purple flowers!  You can't tell from this picture, but this is pretty high up.  

It's so lovely! 

Ok, so after a month a half I finished my puzzle!  Yay! I didn't work on it consistently.  I enjoyed picking at it here and there, so that's why it took me so long.  It started out as a family project but one by one my family abandoned me.  I was determined to finish it and I did.  I borrowed it from the library so it was a gamble that all the pieces would be there. I'm happy to say my faith in humanity has been restored because all 1000 pieces were in the box. Whew!  It took about 30 seconds to break it up and back to the library it went and on to the next person.  On Saturday I checked out a new one and I'm looking forward to starting it this weekend.  

On Sunday my cousin and his family came by for a visit.  I make this yummy blueberry gallate.  I've posted the recipe before but I'll link it again in case you need a quick dessert.  It's so delicious and looks fancy but it isn't.  You can use any frozen fruit and a frozen puff pastry sheet.  

I also have a video on my YouTube channel from a few years ago of me making this if you want to check it out.  My hair was very short : ) 

I added powdered sugar and a big dollop of whip cream in the middle.  
Cut it like a pizza and enjoy.  


This morning after a doctor's appointment my Dad stopped at a bakery and picked up blueberry muffins for us.  Oh how I wish I could start every morning with a freshly baked blueberry muffin.  The best.  
My Dad has a sweet tooth like I do.  We share a love of baked goods and all desserts to be honest with you 

I came running when I saw the bakery box : ) 

I'll leave you today with this meme I got from Pinterest.  So true, right?!  I'm adamant I'm not anti-social, but I will admit to being selectively social!  Yes, there is a difference!
Can you relate? 

Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you are all having a wonderful week.  It got suddenly hot here (It's 85 today!).  Tomorrow night John has his spring band show performance, which is always a sign that the end of the school year is coming.  And I just realized this weekend is Memorial Day Weekend.  Summer is just around the corner! xo 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I miss old style blogging...♥

 Hello Friends! Happy Wednesday!  This week is going by very quickly.  I can't believe it's mid week already.  All is good with me as we are getting closer to Friday every minute.  I live for the weekends!

I am looking forward to this weekend because I am seeing my friend Julie on Saturday and we haven't seen each other in several weeks.  It's always lovely to get together and catch up.  On Sunday my cousin and his wife are stopping by for coffee (and something sweet : ). They are a fun couple and we love when they visit.

Anyway, I just got home from work and I made myself a cup of tea. We are having pasta for dinner tonight but I have a little time to rest before I start cooking so I decided to hop on the computer and catch up on some blogs.  I was thinking today about old school blogging.  When I first started my blog in 2012 I followed so many blogs.  It was new and exciting and I met some of the nicest people that I'm still friends with to this day.  Back in the day blogs were real life.  They were relaxed.  Pictures were not curated and no one was trying to build a brand or sell you a product.  We were just a bunch of like minded people sharing our lives.  I guess in some cases that's still true but those blogs are few and far between.  I'm grateful for the ones that are still around because I feel like blogging is becoming a lost art.  I want to go back to the old style, blogging in real time and capturing little everyday moments.  The same goes for Instagram.  Let's bring back capturing real life moments.  A flower, a sunset, a cup of coffee, the view off your back porch.  I don't need to see a full on edited photoshoot or a video of a kitchen that clearly has never been cooked in, but I'd love to see your breakfast or what book you just finished.  If you are reading this then I know you KNOW what I mean.  I have nostalgia for those old blogs and sometimes I wonder what happened to those people.  They just left and never returned.  There is one girl that I can think of....I loved her blog. She stopped blogging in 2017 and I still click on her site every now and then to see if she's updated it. (does anyone know Dawn from May All Seasons Be Sweet to Thee?).  Some of my blogging friends made the switch to just Instagram and although I miss their blogs I'm happy to still be able to see their lives and keep in touch.  I understand blogging isn't for everyone, but this was just something that was on my mind today.  

Here's an unedited picture of my kitchen early in the morning when the sun was coming up.  I don't even think I had had coffee yet so that's why the quality is so bad. But that's real life, friends.  I'm going to try and post more moments like this from now on 

Hope you are all having a great week!  Love you and stay cozy!!! xo 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Scenes from a weekend! ♥

Hello Friends! Happy Monday! 

I hope you all had a beautiful weekend.  We were blessed with lovely weather both Saturday and Sunday this weekend, which seemed to put everyone in a good mood.  This morning I was looking at my camera roll and thought I'd show you some random snaps from my weekend.  Rob was not working on Saturday and whenever he has Saturday off the three of us always go out for coffee.  It was my choice and I picked Panera Bread.  (9 out of 10 times I will choose Panera : )  I got a scone and with my rewards, a free cookie.  Happy Mother's Day to me!  After our snack we took a walk through Barnes and Nobles.  The smell of that place is so heavenly to me.  Is the Starbucks? Is it the books? I think it's a combination of both.  I love it regardless.   Before returning home we ran a few errands.  One being the garden center to get a few things for the yard.  I picked out a lavender bush that I'm SO excited about.  I love lavender and so did my mom so it's kind of for both of us.  

Being at the garden center got me really excited to plant flowers this year.  It's still a bit too chilly so I'm going to wait a few more weeks to start planting just to be safe.  Back at home we had chicken salad sandwiches (made from a rotisserie chicken) and I made a quick pound cake for strawberry shortcake.  I was watching a movie last week and someone mentioned strawberry shortcake.  (I've been thinking about it ever since!)

We went to a lovely 4:00 mass Saturday evening and then home for dinner and movie night.  John and Rob wanted to watch Iron Claw - a true story about a wrestling family.  It was an excellent movie but very sad.  We had to watch a few episodes of Frasier to laugh a little before bed. 

On Sunday morning we had a big breakfast with my Dad.  Bacon, eggs, sausages, bagels, and fruit.  He brought me home a rose for Mother's Day and we said a prayer for my mom.  It was my first Mother's Day without her.  I tried not to think about too much, but it was definitely eating at me.  They say the "firsts" are the hardest, but I don't see ever feeling any better about it.  Its weird without her here.  Just so different.  

That afternoon John and I went for a walk around the neighborhood.  I love noticing all the flowers and trees.  Our neighborhood has tons of birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and bunnies (they're my favorite!).  We like to spot them in yards and a sometimes we see them playing.  Some of my neighbors have such cute houses and all the trees are blooming right now.  As a certified "indoor girl" I'm really loving being outdoors lately. We ended the weekend with homemade pizzas at my brother in laws house.  I wish I has taken pictures because it was so good.  Dessert was another round of strawberry shortcakes from me.  This time with heart shaped biscuits instead of pound cake.  FYI real whip is a must for strawberry shortcake. 


Today I heard the news that a new Downton Abbey movie is in the works!!!  To say I'm excited is an understatement.  The first person I thought of when I heard was my mom and how excited she would be too.  Oh how I wish I could tell her about it. 

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there that do so much for us.  I learned to be a good mom because I had a good one myself.  And that's all I'll say about that...right now 

Have a wonderful week everyone!  I have chicken thighs roasting in the oven and it's almost time for dinner. I'm glad this Monday is over and I'm looking forward a nice week ahead.  We are supposed to see the sun everyday.  Thanks Mom.  Love you! 


Monday, May 6, 2024

Good Monday Morning! ♥

Good Monday Morning! 

I hope you all had a nice weekend! The weekends go by so fast, don't they? After a cold and rainy weekend, I have been rewarded with a glorious sunny day today.  I'm so enjoying Spring days lately, despite having horrible allergies, it's worth it for the sunshine and pretty flowers.  I've waited all winter for it and it's finally here.  

One of my neighbors has this pretty tree in their front yard.  I went for a little walk this morning and snapped a few pictures when I passed by.  

It doesn't get any more springy than this : ) 


We had a very low key weekend.  On Saturday I did venture out to the mall because Bath and Body Works was having a candle sale.  I picked up two new ones as a little treat for myself.  Lighting a new candle is one of life's simplest pleasurers, wouldn't you say?  I had Strawberry Pound Cake burning all morning and it is delightful! (run- don't walk - to B&BW and get one 🍓)

On Sunday we went to an early mass, out to breakfast, and then upon returning home I immediately put my "cozy clothes" (aka pj's) back on.  I curled up in my bed and watched a Hallmark Christmas movie for two hours.  It was just what my heart & soul needed! 

After that I thought I should get out of bed and actually do something productive so I did some light housework, cleaned two bathrooms, and baked a pumpkin chocolate chip bread.  My Dad said "pumpkin bread? In May?"  I replied, "YES Dad, in May!".  It's delicious.  No regrets ever with pumpkin bread! 

Last night we watched Unfrosted (with Jerry Seinfeld) on Netflix.  It was very cute. I really enjoyed it.  It takes place in the 60's so naturally I loved the vibes too!

And now all of a sudden it's Monday.  I heard a rumor that there are individuals out there who actually LIKE Mondays??  Who are you people?!  Teach me your ways, because I don't understand you : ) 

Have a great day my friends! 

PS... please enjoy this little video I made you this morning.  Do you like tea cups and pretty things? Me too.  Enjoy! 

Bye! xoxo

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Happy Little Loaf of Bread ♥

Hello Friends! Can you believe it's May 2st?  ♥

Today I wanted to share with you an easy bread recipe I tried on Sunday.  I woke up very early (for some un-Godly reason) and had it in my head that I wanted to bake bread.  What is wrong with me?!  I knew I had a busy week ahead and I thought having homemade bread for toast in the morning would make my days a little less terrible.  

(So far, I've been right : ) 

So off I went to our downstairs kitchen to mix up some dough.  

The recipe comes from this ADORABLE book called  The I Love Lucy Cookbook!  Each vintage recipe corresponds with an episode of I Love Lucy. Most of you will already know it's my Favorite Show since I was 8 so naturally every recipe I make from this book is near and dear to my heart. 
(see my post HERE on the Aloha Cream Pie.  It's amazing!!) 

And to make it even better the recipe comes from one of the most classic I Love Lucy episodes, called Pioneer Women where Lucy and Ethel bet Ricky and Fred $50 that they can give up all modern convivences. Whoever gives up first loses.  Lucy decided to bake bread and accidently puts too much yeast in and the bread gets so big literally pins her against the wall.  

It's the best : ) 

Thankfully, I did not make that mistake with my bread.  Here's the recipe in case you want to try it.  You need a few hours to let it rise, but otherwise it was very easy... ♥

1 1/2 cups warm water 

2 tsp sugar 

1 packet yeast (2 1/4 tsp)

2 tbls honey

1 tsp salt

3 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

Melted butter

Olive oil (for greasing)

In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook, add the warm water, sugar, and yeast.  Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, until bubbly.

Stir in honey and salt.  Add flour, one cup at a time, until dough forms into a ball.  

Turn out the dough onto a floured surface and knead for 5 minutes. 

Grease a large bowl and a loaf pan with olive oil.  Place dough inside the bowl, cover with a kitchen towel and let rise unto dough doubles in size, approximately 2 hours.

Punch down the dough, then place in the greased loaf pan. Cover and let rise for another hour.  

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Bake 25 - 30 minutes, until the internal temp is 190 degrees (f).

Remove from oven and brush with melted butter.  Let cool completely.

Enjoy! ♥

I cut into thick slices.  So good toasted with real butter! ♥

I have been enjoying toast all week and it's been wonderful. Now I just need to make some homemade jam to go with it ♥

Have a great day, friends! Thanks for stopping by!  
