Monday, October 21, 2024

Weekend wrap up ♥

Hello Friends! 

As I'm typing this it's 9:12pm on Monday night.  I decided to do some evening blog reading in bed.  I had a busy afternoon, and the day got away from me.  I decided (because I don't want to break my daily blogging streak :) that I was going to settle into bed early tonight with a cup of tea and catch up with my blog friends.  

So here I am, tea on the nightstand, laptop on my lap : )  

Today was a Monday...for sure.  It was one of those busy days where you're on the phone all day...making appointments, rescheduling appointments, taking to a computer for 20 minutes just trying to get a live person on the line for customer service, etc.  I'm sure you've been there.  Thankfully, I got everything I needed to get done, done...and no one got hurt :) 

But enough about my crazy Monday.  How was your weekend?! 

We had a lovely one and very Fall-ish too!  Friday night was the homecoming football game and the school band was playing on the field.  John had a great time participating in that! 

On Saturday afternoon  we were invited to Rob's sister's house for lunch.  

She set the most beautiful table.  

Lunch was delicious and such a treat!  She served autumn chili in a pumpkin and apple pie for dessert. 
So yummy and cozy!  

But the reason for the gathering was to celebrate their puppy Enzo's 2nd birthday! Yup, it was a dog's birthday, and it was FABULOUS!  

He's so cute!  Rob made his fair share of jokes but it was all in good fun and we had a great time. 

We also got to spend time with our new niece who is a doll! 

Straight from the puppy party, John had to get ready for the homecoming dance.  He went with a few of his friends.  

All dressed up! 

It's hard to see in this picture but his tie has Elvis on it! He has a whole collection of Elvis ties given to him by his uncle.  A love for Elvis runs in our family! LOL 

(did you notice the haircut and shave? :) 

They had a great time! 

 Sunday was a quiet day at home.  I did some cleaning, laundry, and filled two donation bags.  Yup, I'm still filling bags!  It's endless but we are making progress.  Funny thing about getting rid of things.  The more you do it, the easier it gets. To reward ourselves Rob and I went on a quick coffee date.  

And all of a sudden, we are back to Monday. 

Side note: did you notice John at the homecoming game had a winter coat on? That's because it was freezing cold that night.  We had the heat on.  Today was 80 degrees.  I put the a/c on.  What the heck?

Let's hope this burst of heat is short lived.  I'm already in sweaters and I'm not going back.

Happy Monday friends.  Time to get some sleep.  Update: it's 9:50pm.  I did good! ;) 

Talk to you tomorrow.  Night! xx 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Danielle. What a fun party celebrating Enzo! He's so cute! Our pups deserve to be celebrated too. Your sister-in-law's table setting is gorgeous. I love all of her cute birthday and puppy garlands! And your niece is adorable!!! It sounds like John and his friends had a great night at the homecoming dance. His Elvis tie is too cute! Oh, I made the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies on Sunday and they were delicious! They barely lasted one day. I'll be making those again. Hope you are having a lovely October day!
