Monday, May 13, 2024

Scenes from a weekend! ♥

Hello Friends! Happy Monday! 

I hope you all had a beautiful weekend.  We were blessed with lovely weather both Saturday and Sunday this weekend, which seemed to put everyone in a good mood.  This morning I was looking at my camera roll and thought I'd show you some random snaps from my weekend.  Rob was not working on Saturday and whenever he has Saturday off the three of us always go out for coffee.  It was my choice and I picked Panera Bread.  (9 out of 10 times I will choose Panera : )  I got a scone and with my rewards, a free cookie.  Happy Mother's Day to me!  After our snack we took a walk through Barnes and Nobles.  The smell of that place is so heavenly to me.  Is the Starbucks? Is it the books? I think it's a combination of both.  I love it regardless.   Before returning home we ran a few errands.  One being the garden center to get a few things for the yard.  I picked out a lavender bush that I'm SO excited about.  I love lavender and so did my mom so it's kind of for both of us.  

Being at the garden center got me really excited to plant flowers this year.  It's still a bit too chilly so I'm going to wait a few more weeks to start planting just to be safe.  Back at home we had chicken salad sandwiches (made from a rotisserie chicken) and I made a quick pound cake for strawberry shortcake.  I was watching a movie last week and someone mentioned strawberry shortcake.  (I've been thinking about it ever since!)

We went to a lovely 4:00 mass Saturday evening and then home for dinner and movie night.  John and Rob wanted to watch Iron Claw - a true story about a wrestling family.  It was an excellent movie but very sad.  We had to watch a few episodes of Frasier to laugh a little before bed. 

On Sunday morning we had a big breakfast with my Dad.  Bacon, eggs, sausages, bagels, and fruit.  He brought me home a rose for Mother's Day and we said a prayer for my mom.  It was my first Mother's Day without her.  I tried not to think about too much, but it was definitely eating at me.  They say the "firsts" are the hardest, but I don't see ever feeling any better about it.  Its weird without her here.  Just so different.  

That afternoon John and I went for a walk around the neighborhood.  I love noticing all the flowers and trees.  Our neighborhood has tons of birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and bunnies (they're my favorite!).  We like to spot them in yards and a sometimes we see them playing.  Some of my neighbors have such cute houses and all the trees are blooming right now.  As a certified "indoor girl" I'm really loving being outdoors lately. We ended the weekend with homemade pizzas at my brother in laws house.  I wish I has taken pictures because it was so good.  Dessert was another round of strawberry shortcakes from me.  This time with heart shaped biscuits instead of pound cake.  FYI real whip is a must for strawberry shortcake. 


Today I heard the news that a new Downton Abbey movie is in the works!!!  To say I'm excited is an understatement.  The first person I thought of when I heard was my mom and how excited she would be too.  Oh how I wish I could tell her about it. 

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there that do so much for us.  I learned to be a good mom because I had a good one myself.  And that's all I'll say about that...right now 

Have a wonderful week everyone!  I have chicken thighs roasting in the oven and it's almost time for dinner. I'm glad this Monday is over and I'm looking forward a nice week ahead.  We are supposed to see the sun everyday.  Thanks Mom.  Love you! 



  1. I'm happy you had a nice and sunny Mother's Day weekend! Like you, I tried not to think too much about my mom not being here to celebrate, but then I just kept thinking about her and missing her and having lots of sad moments. We've celebrated my daughter's birthday and mine along with Easter since she passed away, but Mother's Day was the toughest for me. It's just so weird not having her here. My husband and daughter took me out for brunch and we went to Williams Sonoma and it was really nice, but there was emptiness there for sure. Anyway, I love orange scones from Panera - they are the best! Real whip is a must for me always. I mean, it's just so easy to whip up! Charlotte gifted me a new cookbook for Mother's Day and it's wonderful! I'm going to share it on my blog soon. I actually baked blondies from it today. Hope you have a really great week!

    1. Hi Julia, Yes Mother's Day was a tough one. I totally understand the empty feeling you describe. Thankfully we both have our families to help us through it. Brunch and a trip to Williams Sonoma sounds lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing recipes from your new cookbook : )

  2. I know that I will face that day, someday, and it's so hard to think about...even though I know where she will be going and we'll be together again. It's the missing her in the meantime that I know will be so hard. So i just imagine it, and it I can only imagine how you feel beautiful Danielle. You keep honoring her here so beautifully and I have no doubt she's aware of the lavender, the movie and the continued love that pours out of you and from all of your memories together. Sending continued hugs and prayers of comfort. And I have to say that strawberry shortcake looked so good and now that's all I can think about. Lol xoxo🙏🏻💕

    1. Thank you Carrie! And I highly recommend the strawberry shortcake! : )
