Saturday, July 29, 2023

Christmas in July 2023 ♥

Hello Friends! Happy Saturday! 

We are in the middle of a summer storm here today.  It's hot & humid and pouring rain. I was out running errands this morning and just made it back in time. Whew!  

I thought I would jump on here today and share a few pictures from our Christmas in July day yesterday.  It was over 90 degrees out and we were perfectly happy to stay in and pretend it was a cozy winter day.  We've kept this tradition going since John was little.  I've toned it down over the years and realized that I don't need to go "all out" to have a fun day.  Turns out it takes very little to make us happy. 

I started the day by lighting a few Christmas candles.  As luck would have it I got a few new ones for my birthday (thank you BJ!!).  It smelled like a winter wonderland in here! 

Coffee was served in Christmas mugs with whip cream! 

And I found a cozy little scene to put on the TV.  

This one is Christmas coffee shop.  It's it cute?

I even pulled out my favorite winter hand lotion and candy cane lip gloss.  
I was committed to this day! LOL 

Rob headed off to work and John and I had breakfast and watched ELF.

Later I brought the record player out to the kitchen and we listened to Christmas albums.  

This one I've had since childhood. 

It's so old and I love it 

We made cookies.  Easy, just a Pillsbury mix.  But they were delicious! 

And fun to decorate 

Maybe not the most christmassy I've ever seen but we used what we had : ) 

I didn't plan on doing this but I had some oranges that were going past their prime, so I decided dry them.  I baked them in a 200 degree oven for about 4 hours.  I'll store them and use them to decorate packages or make a garland in December. 

This really made it feel like Christmas! : )   


After a 30 minute debate with John over why Die Hard is not a Christmas movie (he disagrees!) we watched A Charlie Brown Christmas!  A classic! 

*He's a good sport to humor me! I just watched the entire Star Wars franchise with him so it's 50/50!*

 For dinner I had a rotisserie chicken in the fridge.  I made a quickie stuffing and cranberry sauce for sides, and viola!  Instant holiday meal! 

(kinda sorta, but it did the job ; ) 

That night the three of us played a game and watched one more movie - no, not Die Hard....  

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation! That's one of Rob's favorites (*he also humors me! : ) 

It's fun escaping summer for a day.  

All it took was a few candles, a movie, some holiday music, and cookies of course, to make it feel like Christmas. 

Today it's back to reality.  John said it still "smelled like Christmas" in the kitchen this morning.  I can't say that's a bad thing.  We still have a lot of summer left to live, but yesterday was fun. 

 I can't wait for the real thing 


  1. Love it all! But...CHRISTMAS WITH THE KRANKS!!!!!!!!

  2. I would say you did Christmas in July very well!

  3. That sounds fun. You'll have to watch the movie Love Hard. I won't give too much away but she thought Die Hard is the best Christmas movie and he though Love Actually is. It's a really cute movie.

  4. That sounds lovely. I didn't know people actually celebrated a Christmas in July day.. I thought it was just a marketing thing.

  5. It's so special that John still wants to do this with you - my teenage boys are pushing back hard against that kind of thing these days :(

  6. I am very proud of your John and Rob too! My boys are now adults and they would do this for their gals. So we can be proud Momma's!
    Merry Christmas on this last day in July!

  7. Oh you know how I love this my Friend!! I especially love you dried oranges! What a brilliant idea. And love your quickie holiday meal (it is the perfect way to do it when it's hot outside) Lol 😉 thanks for sharing the fun here! xoxo
