Sometimes I need a pep talk. Sometimes I need someone to tell me that it's OK.
Everything will be OK.
Take one day at a time ♥
I think this is something we all struggle with. Nothing is perfect. Life is never perfect.
I am a worrier. I always have been. I let things bother me. I know I shouldn't.
I make a conscious effort to look for the positives every day. They are there.
Even if you don't notice them right away.
Keep looking ♥
We must not forget to take care of ourselves. Whenever I let myself fall to the wayside I feel it in my heart.
Be strong for yourself so you can be strong for others ♥
I fall victim to all of these things all the time.
This helps.
Positive thinking.
And faith. Always faith ♥
And just when I thought I couldn't love her anymore, I found this on Pinterest, along with all the others.
Thank you, sweet Lucy! ♥
(she's always been there for me : )
I just thought you might need this today. If you are worried or stressed about something, know that you are not alone. We are are going through similar experiences. I'm grateful we have each other.
Like angels on our shoulders ♥