Friday, September 13, 2024

Fall Baking has begun! Cinnamon Apple Pop Tarts ♥

Hello Friends! Happy Friday! 

 How was your week? It went by so fast, I can hardly believe we're at the end already.  Well, John's first week as a senior was a huge success.  All classes are great and I heard no complaints.  And to top that off, he got a call on Monday that he's been hired at our local movie theater.  He applied for a job there months ago and they are finally ready for him!  He starts tonight.  For someone that loves movies as much as my son, it couldn't be a better job for him. He's in his element! 

We experienced some fall-like temps this week and it was glorious! I wore a cardigan sweater to work two times! I'm so happy to be back in my cozy clothes.  Little by little, we're getting there.  The last of our summer blooms are fading (but are still lovely) and I'm looking forward to planting mums and marigolds in our flower boxes very soon.  The supermarket has exploded with all my favorite pumpkin flavored things and I'm not ashamed to say I loaded up.  Pumpkin cinnamon rolls, pumpkin spiced oatmeal, creamer (of course), the list goes on and on and I'm not ashamed one bit.  It's who I am! lol 
I'm also thinking about some nice crock pot meals to make this fall.  My Pinterest boards are on fire! 

Speaking of Pinterest, I did a little fall baking on Sunday. I was craving apple something and I found an easy recipe for apple pop tarts.  I know, right?!  Instead of cutting them in the traditional rectangle shape, I found an apple shaped cutter that I had in my pantry and used that instead.  

All you do is many an easy apple filling on the stove and let it cool.  Get some pie dough (homemade or Pillsbury works just fine too!), fill, crimp, and bake.  These were so easy and came out delicious!!

I posted some pictures on Instagram and some of you were looking for the recipe so here you go!  

The smells of FALL! Ahhhh..... 


 I did make the cinnamon glaze to go on top but was too busy eating and I forgot to take a picture.  If you make these, I highly recommend the glaze.  It's so goooood and such a nice compliment to the apple filling! 

Such an easy treat and a perfect way to kick off fall baking season.  I realized I need to stock up on a few spices and things before Christmastime, so I'll be doing that very soon.  

Next up I think will be a pumpkin coffee cake or muffins because I have a can of pumpkin in my pantry just staring at me, begging to be opened!  I didn't feel very much like cooking or baking over the summer, but now that fall is here (in my mind it's here!) I feel myself getting my mojo back.  And that makes me very happy!  Not good for the little muffin top I've suddenly acquired, but I'm willing to ignore that for the sake of my love of fall and my happiness.  It's all about priorities : ) 

Well, that's it for me today, my dear friends.  This weekend will be filled with (aside from the aforementioned baked goods) cleaning, laundry, errands, a haircut, and a coffee date with my hubby on Sunday.  Tonight, while John is working, I'm continuing my Downton Abbey rewatch.  I've just started season 3, which we all know is a devastating season. I mean really, this season collectively destroyed us Downton fans.  How did we get over it?  I don't think I have, but I'm ready to put myself through it all over again.  And for those of you who haven't watched Downton yet, I highly, highly, recommend it.  It's streaming on Amazon Prime - you will not regret it! 

With all the chaos in the world today, I'm grateful to be able to turn all that off for a while, wrap myself in a blanket, and be completely enchanted with another world.  It's nice and much needed.  

Have a lovely weekend everyone!  


  1. Those are the cutest little pop tarts! I am definitely making these very soon.

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