Friday, September 6, 2024

John is a senior! ♥

Hello Friends! Happy Friday! 

Well, no matter what the calendar says, Fall has arrived at my home.  There is that little hint in the air that things are changing.  Thankfully it's gotten a bit cooler this week, especially in the mornings, which I love.  I like to have a sip or two of coffee on the back deck and breathe in some of the fresh air.  The leaves are beginning to change, and the birds and animals are preparing for the new season. 
It's a nice way to start the day.  

And speaking of starting the is John's first day of school.  Senior year!  I still can't believe it. I can tell it's going to be an emotional year (for me!!:).  

He's very excited about his class schedule this year, which includes film criticism, comedy in literature, psychology & sociology, economics, statistics, music theory, orchestra band, and jazz band. 

I don't remember being that busy in high school! LOL  

What comes next we still don't know, but it will be an exciting journey figuring it out : ) 

First day of 1st grade.  It went by so fast! 

I dropped him off at 7:30 this morning and am dying to hear about his first day.  Funny he starts on a Friday, but nice to have the weekend off right away.  Ease into the getting up early schedule and all that....: ) 

As for me, I have a busy workday ahead.  I'm in my cozy home office today! I have a pumpkin coffee and my comfy slippers on so I'm good for the day.  I'm looking forward to the weekend! I want to do some fall baking tomorrow (let's make the house smell good!) and Sunday after church we are going out to breakfast.  What falls in between I'm not sure yet.  I'd like to read some of my book and maybe watch a movie or take a good long nap.  As you can see, it doesn't take much to get me excited for the weekend!

Have a cozy Friday, my friends! 



  1. Time does go by too quickly doesn't it? It sounds like my kind of plans for the weekend. Whatever you end up doing, enjoy!! The 'bers' are here!

  2. Hi Danielle. I hope you are having a lovely, cozy, almost Fall weekend! I love your pumpkin mug! I need a pumpkin mug for myself. Where did you find yours? I can't believe John is a senior this year! Wow! It's going too fast. His first-grade picture is just the cutest! I hope he has a wonderful year ahead. What did you end up baking this weekend? I made an apple cinnamon Dutch baby pancake this morning and it was delicious. My whole house smelled like Fall!

  3. It just goes by much too quickly, doesn't it Danielle? We must treasure each moment.
