Thursday, September 26, 2024

Lately in September ♥


About a year ago a very good friend of mine traveled to London.  She very kindly brought me back a box of London Breakfast Tea. I have adored this tea from my very first sip.  I love the taste, the smell, the packaging, everything.  Needless to say, I've been hoarding it and only allowing myself a cuppa when I really want to treat myself.  Well friends, today is a sad day.  I am currently having my last cup of London Breakfast Tea. The beautiful gold box is empty.  I'm gutted.  I just texted my friend and told her that she needs to go back and get me another box.  She jokingly said, "or WE could go" and you know, that's not a bad idea! : ) 

So now I'm sitting here in my cozy home office dreaming of a London vacation.  If and when that day comes, I'll definitly be going to the tea shop.  Until then, hopefully Amazon can help a girl out.  Fingers crossed! 

I've been drinking tea in the afternoons these last few days.  Of course I start my day with coffee (not to worry!) but as my mom used to say on days like this "it's a tea kind of day" and it has been.  Fall arrived overnight and it's been rainy, cool, a little gloomy but in a good fall-ish kind of way, and I've not minded at all.  


The mornings are dark and chilly so I light my candles first thing.  I'm always a little sad when the sun starts to come up. I like the flickering candles in the early morning darkness.  Is nice to spend a few minutes in solace before the craziness of the day starts.  

I've been thinking a lot about my mom this past week.  She loved fall as much (if not more) than I do.  Clearly that's where I got it from. The other day I went into the basement and brought up some of her fall decorations to put around the house.  I lit one of her favorite scented candles (sparkling cinnamon) and thought about how much we used to love this time of year.  Now is when we'd go to HomeGoods and Michales and craft fairs and start buying things for the holidays.  We'd love to go out to lunch afterwards.  Usually for soup and salad.  The last time we did this she was in a wheelchair. I know she wasn't feeling great but we had the best time shopping, planning, and laughing.  It was raining that day and we both ordered hot tea at the restaurant as soon as we were seated...

because it was a tea kind of day. 

I think it makes my Dad happy to keep on with her seasonal traditions. It's nice to see the things she loved and made (like the lamp below).  I know it makes me happy.  And also, a little sad too.  I am finding it hard to balance my feelings sometimes. 

But I digress about that....

Occasionally the sun peeps through the clouds, just long enough for the birds to have conversations, and then it grows dark again and rains some more.  

Honestly, I have to say it's the perfect weather if you want MOODY Fall.  And of course I do.  
The books I'm reading feel a bit spookier and my couch blanket feels cozier than ever.  
It's like a hug every time I wrap up in it.  

And now the house is full of all things Fall.  Orange, red, and yellow everywhere I look. 

It's finally here and summer is a memory.  

I feel like I was just in Maine. It really wasn't that long ago, but it feels like it.  

The leaves are just beginning to turn now.  We have a long way to go.

Soon this will all be golden and I can hardly wait 

If it ever stops raining, I'll plant my mums and marigolds.  

Hopefully next week! 

I love my pumpkin spice coffee in the morning in my pumpkin mug...and my little Halloween lights around the window... and my plants that I always forget to water but I'm praying they won't die....because I love them too.  

It's the little things 

It's almost October! 


I have to get more seasonal soaps!  Thankfully I have a little of this one left over from last year.  

Isn't the bottle cute?! 

(It's Bath & Body Works) 

More baking! How I love it so!!  We have a date set to go apple picking (and pumpkin picking) in October.  It's one tradition I try to never skip.  The more apples I bring home the more pies & crisps I'll bake.  I also want to do caramel apples this year.  

This is a Susan Branch recipe I've made many times.  It's SO GOOD!!!!  


Pumpkin heaven! 

The best! 

John's been making plans too.  There is a big Haunted House that he and his friends go to every year that he's looking forward to. And this year for the first time, he's going to be attending something called Scream Fest which sounds absolutely horrible to me, but he's excited about it.  It's at an amusement park.  Apparently, the park is taken over by zombies and monsters and they jump out and scare the life out of you around every corner.  No thanks.  I'll be home watching Charlie Brown that night. That's my kind of Halloween fun. LOL 

Last week I celebrated getting my annual mammogram with a pumpkin coffee and apple cider donut from Dunkin Donuts.  It was my treat for getting myself out of the house and at the doctors at 7:40 am.  It was well worth it.  

Side note: I got the results yesterday and I'm clear!  Yay! I don't have to do that again until next year.  

Stunning colors at the supermarket.  If this doesn't say Fall I don't know what does! 

Maybe a black cat and a pumpkin....hmmm! :) 

So that's lately in September 

Tonight, Rob and I are attending an open house at John's school to meet his teachers.  We go every year.  It's hard to believe this is the last one.  I feel like lately I want to freeze every moment in time.  

Have a wonderful rest of the week friends! 

What are your plans for the weekend?  I hope you all stay cozy and if you're in the path of any bad weather, please stay safe! I have to do a little shopping on Saturday for a baby shower and a birthday celebration next week.  After that I hope to be able to cozy up and read some of my current book.  I'm thinking about making pizza on Friday night too.  

Love you! 

Byeeee! xoxo 

1 comment:

  1. Love love love the cozy of this post!! All the adorable decorations, hot tea, yummy food ( I have to make that apple crisp this year!). So deliciously cozy in every way! And I'm sending hugs and love about your Mom moments. I tear up when I read them. It reminds me SO much of me and my Mom. We love this time of year and shop the same way, do lunch etc. I know my time with her is so precious because of her age and health. So it really hits home. To know I will be in your position one day too. It will be so difficult it makes my heart hurt already. I feel so honored how you share and how much it helps me appreciate my Mom that much more. Thank you for your vulnerability and sweet sentiments. Blessings always. xoxo
