Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Monday! : A little of this and a little of that... ♥

 Hello Friends! 

Happy Monday! 

Did I ever tell you how much I hate the dentist? I mean really hate it?  Which is precisely the reason why I haven't gone in so long.  Too long to even mention. Naturally I am the one who forces everyone else in my household to get their checkups and do all the things.  Well, the jig was finally up for me.  I know how important it is, so I made the appointment and went this morning.  I'm happy to say I survived! It wasn't as horrific as I imagined in my head (as most things never are).  My hygienist was so very nice, and I have no cavities! I take that as a personal victory!  Whew!  

One big thing off the list : ) 

I'm so happy we are nearing the end of August because it means the "ber" months are right around the corner!  My supermarket finally stocked pumpkin spice creamer, and I wasted no time stocking up.  That first sip was pure heaven.  It's getting colder in the mornings and evenings now which I love AND  it's starting to get darker earlier.  I know some of you dread that, but personally I love it.  I spotted mums at the grocery store last week too, which is always a good sign fall is in the air! 

The week of John's birthday we celebrated our annual Christmas in July .
Well, we didn't quite make July, but that's ok.  August is just as good! We've been doing this since he was little.  I used to go all out and spend the entire day doing Christmas things, making Christmas foods, watching Christmas movies, etc.  Sometimes we'd even start the night before with a little "Christmas eve" celebration.  There is something very special about capturing the Christmas spirit in the middle of summertime!  It's something we always look forward to.  Nowadays we have downgraded the festivities to just and afternoon, sometimes just an hour is all we need.  I light a candle, play some music, and we make cookies.  It was a fun time and certainly did the job.  

No presents required! 

 A Christmas scene on YouTube set the mood! 🎄

Pine smells...

and Christmas records... 

and of course cookies...

I bought Pillsbury dough and used sprinkles I had in the pantry. 

It doesn't get easier than that!  

It made us excited for the holidays~  

But first....we have fall.  Beautiful, cozy, dark & stormy, crisp & crunchy fall!  Decorating starts next week and I can hardly wait.  John is excited to start his senior year on September 6th. (how we got here so fast I do not know!) He got his schedule the other day and is happy with all his classes.  There will be some big decisions to be made over the next few months.  I'm so happy for him.  Whatever he decides to do, I know in my heart it will be something great 

As for me, I'm here with my coffee (always) and plugging away with work.  This week we are taking a few days off and heading up to Ogunquit, Maine.  It's our last hurrah of summer.  My last chance to get a lobster roll.  And what better place to get it : )  

I booked a cute hotel in the village and we'll be meeting some family up there too.  I hope to visit some antique stores, see a lighthouse or two, and go for a nice long walk on the beach.  It's a perfect way to say goodbye to summer. 

 I'm a little less nervous this time about leaving my Dad because he was totally fine when I went to New Hampshire last month. He calls me a nervous Nancy. I don't disagree! 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! I'll be back soon with pictures from Maine.  I'm excited to stay in a hotel for a few days (is that weird?!) and recharge my batteries.  We've been doing a lot around the house lately and I feel like I need a change of scenery.  Short and sweet, and then I'll be digging out the pumpkins and fall decorations from the attic!  My favorite time of the year! Yay!

I'm praying for cool weather too! 

Byeeee! xoxo 


  1. I'm with you girl on that dentist thing! As an 'older' woman I will pass on some advice.. take good care of those teeth. They don't last forever. I've lost several of mine and probably will lose more. I DO NOT want false teeth!!

  2. I'm with you on the dentist fear!! The last hygienist I had wasn't that gentle. I have put it off for a long while, but have been feeling like it's time to get brave and go. Not looking forward to that! Maine, however, is definitely something I look forward to seeing one day! Have a wonderful week! Enjoy those cool mornings :)

  3. Oh you know how much I love the coziness of this post dear Friend!! First of all, good on you getting to the dentist like a responsible Momma. Lol And congrats on no cavities!
    And I loved reading about your Christmas in the summer, as I didn't get to mine this year. :( I did listen to some Christmas music with my Mom when we went shopping recently for just a taste. And caught a bit of hallmark Christmas movie. But that was about it.
    But I am with you in looking SO forward to the "ber" months. It's almost here fellow kindred spirit! Enjoy that lovely refresh trip!! Blessings on the rest of your week.

  4. I'm not a big fan of going to the dentist either. I had to have a small cavity filled last month and it wasn't too bad. Honestly, the numbing part was the worst and it lasted for three hours! I hope you are having a wonderful and relaxing time in Maine. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip! The feel like temperature here today is 96 degrees, so yeah I'm over it. I couldn't resist and picked up a mum at the grocery store yesterday! Take care. Thinking of you.

  5. I am right there with you on going to the dentist. It didn't used to bother me at all until I had my tongue cut by accident with the drill. You don't want to hear your dentist say 'whoops' and then tell you I nicked your tongue and am going to put stiches into it. It wasn't the dentist I have now, but he and his staff have to deal with my anxiety when I go. They're wonderful but the fear is still there. I can't wait to hear about your trip to Maine. Happy September!!!
