Monday, August 5, 2024

Weekend in New Hampshire ♥

Hello Friends! Happy August! 

We are back from a lovely (but HOT) weekend in the mountains.  New Hampshire is honestly one of my most favorite places on earth to visit.  There is something so serene about being nestled in the woods, surrounded by nothing but nature. 

This was my view every morning while I sipped my coffee.  


Every summer we do a little trip with Rob's family.  Last year we went to Cape Cod and spent 3 days at the beach, which (aside from my sunburn) was lovely.  This year we decided on a rental house on Loon Mountain in New Hampshire.  Only a 2 and half hour drive from Boston it wasn't too far, but just far enough to feel like I was in a different world. To be honest, I had a bit of anxiety leaving home as it was my first vacation since my mom's passing.  I worry about my Dad and in my mind everything can go wrong in 3 days.  He assured me he would be FINE so off I went to the mountains.  It turns out it was a wonderful decision because I was able to relax and recharge my batteries for the first time in months :) 

The house was absolutely lovely.  Rob, John, and I were the first to arrive and the first thing we did was make a pot of coffee.  Naturally! 

There were 10 of us all together and we all fit perfectly.  I adored the kitchen!  (not that I used it! LOL) 

At night we watched TV and played games. 

There were card games going on at this table all weekend.  

Our meals were simple.  

Pizza in on the first night and two other dinners out, but very comfy and casual.  One night we went out for gelato which was delicious! 

On Friday some of our group went hiking (which I heard was beautiful).  We decided on a ride over to North Conway center.  A tradition for us is to go to Zeb's General store.  It's so fun! 

It's like a step back in time 

Lots of cute things to shop for too! 

There's an old-fashioned candy counter AND John got a huge pickle from a barrel.  

We walked the square and visited the train station across the street.  

The only downside was it was SO HOT!  Luckily my favorite coffee shop in New Hampshire is right in the square.  The Met has the best iced coffees! 

They really hit the spot.  Mine was French Vanilla!

Another thing I love to do on 90 degree days in New Hampshire is visit Christmas stores...haha!  

This one is a wonderland! 

I'm so ready for this! 

People ask me all the time and the answer is YES he still loves Elvis! ♥

              The next day we had plenty of pool time.  I sat under an umbrella and read my book.  

On our last day we all went out for pancakes and then visited a very large (and very dangerous) candy store in Littleton, NH.  I picked up a bag of saltwater taffy to bring home to my Dad.  

This fudge was so temping!!! My sister-in-law caved and bought some for us to snack on.  My favorite was the fluff-a-nutter, which tasted just like a peanut butter and fluff sandwich! Exactly like it, just like the sales guy said.  OMG it was to die for! I'm glad I didn't buy any to bring home because I definitely would have eaten it all.  

Overall, it was a fun weekend with family that I really enjoyed.  We got home Sunday afternoon.  I unpacked, threw in a load of laundry, we chatted with my Dad for a bit (who was absolutely fine btw) and then laid on my bed to feel how comfy it is.  I missed it. There's nothing like your own bed.  Am I right?! 

It's fun to go away, but even better coming home.  I slept like a dream last night and today it was right back to work for me. 

 Not a bad way to start August 

I hope your week is off to a good start too!  Have a wonderful day friends!  



  1. This sounds like the perfect vacation! I love that little store! How fun :) I'm glad your dad was fine. You probably really needed that break :) Have a wonderful week!

  2. What a glorious trip! Time with family is always wonderful - and that place looked gorgeous to stay in! Such a pretty area too. You know that I love that you went to a Christmas store!! 😁 So much good food and treats too (that's what trips are all about). But truly no place like home and your own bed - I sure relate to that too.
    Blessings. xoxo

  3. I'm so happy you were able to get some time away with your family. The place looks gorgeous! And the mountain views are so pretty. I love that you made coffee when you first arrived - sounds exactly like something I would do. And I'm glad your dad did well while you were away. I agree that there is no place like home. I always miss my own bed when I'm away. Hope you are having a great week!

  4. I'm happy to hear you were able to get away for a few days. It looks like a wonderful place to visit. And that pizza looks delicious! But I totally understand being happy to be home and sleeping in your own bed. That is pure bliss. I hope you have a lovely Sunday!!

  5. what a beautiful getaway that was restorative! I love the views and the place. We went to Hocking Hills earlier in the year with family and had a grand time!!
