Monday, October 14, 2024

I went apple picking ♥

Hello Friends! 

I hope you all had a nice weekend!  It was beautiful here on Saturday.  It was the FALL day I have been waiting for. It was a long week and I was hoping for a nice sunny day because we had plans to go apple picking.  I couldn't wait to get outside in the fresh air and experience autumn.  I talk a lot about it and look at pretty pictures, but it's never real to me until I actually go out and feel it. 
 Well, I finally felt it : ) 

Before I tell you about that I have to show my new sweatshirt....  

I picked this up at Kohls over the summer when it was a thousand degrees out and cold weather felt like it would never get here.  It's been tucked safely in my drawer since July until this weekend when she made her debut.  I love it and have a feeling people will be sick of seeing it because I'll be living in it.  

It says "Stay Cozy"... don't mind if I do 

Anyway, back to Saturday....

It was lovely and so many apples!!!! 

I was in apple heaven! : ) 

My friend Julie and I filled our bags while John and Julie's 2 boys, Sean and Michael, helped.  This has been an annual tradition for us since John and Sean were in first grade.  We look forward to it every year.  I used to have to pick John up to reach the high he gets them for me!  

It really was a perfect sunny day, which made it even better.  In past years we've gone when it's still warm (and sometimes humid) and it's just not the same.  Luck was on our side this time.  

I love being outside with the smell of apples in the air and the beautiful foliage as a backdrop.
It's why I love fall.  

My head goes to all the pies and desserts I'll make with these 

After our bags were full, we headed over to the farm stand.  I managed to grab some mums and a pumpkin to take home too.  I really wanted apple cider donuts, but the line was too long. It was crazy!

 Now I'll be on a mission to find them elsewhere : ) 

My loot! 

Before we left that morning I had put a pot roast in the crock pot.  I was so glad I did because I didn't have to worry about cooking dinner when we got home.  It was all done! 

Honestly, aren't crockpots the best?! I've had mine for 26 years and it's still going strong! 

I could literally smell my dinner bubbling away from outside.  How nice that was because I was pretty tired when I got home.  

On Sunday I made Susan Branch's cranberry apple crisp.  It's my favorite apple crisp recipe.  The only change I made was I used honey crisp apples instead of granny smith because that's what I picked.  Crisps are the best because you can eat them hot or cold.....for dessert or breakfast! 

No judgement here :)

This one even looks good before you bake it...

Even better yummy!!!  I've been picking on this non stop. 

It's starting to get darker earlier now and we've put our heat on for the first time already.  

The coziness is setting in and I can feel myself going into nesting mode.

I really love this time of year  

Have a wonderful week everyone! 

I'm going to try to start to post here daily!  Yup, you heard it right.  I might only be a quick little thought or snapshot of something I find pretty or interesting that day, but I'm going to see if I can do it.  Fingers crossed! See you tomorrow...xo