Thursday, October 24, 2024

What's on my mind ♥

Hello Friends!

All day today I kept thinking it was Wednesday. Thankfully I was wrong because it's Friday eve and it's almost the weekend.  Today was pretty uneventful...well to blog about anyway.  All blogs aside, I worked all day and caught up with paperwork and emails that had been piling up.  I had lunch with my Dad which was nice, and I also managed to get three loads of laundry done in between emails.  A perk of working from home : ) 

John and I had a long talk tonight about the future and his schooling.  He's decided not to go to a traditional 4 year college after high school.  He says it's not for him and Rob and I respect his decision.  However, he would like to study music, so we are looking at local schools in and around Boston with music programs.  He wants to live at home and work while taking courses.  There's a lot of options out there, we just have to find the right fit for him. I've always felt that it would be wrong to push him into going to college if it wasn't something he was truly passionate about.  College isn't for everyone and that's OK.  There are plenty of other options out there and opportunities for kids to have successful careers. We found a few prospects online and will look into those next week. He's also making an appointment with this guidance counselor.  Stay tuned for updates 

So that's what I'm going to bed thinking about.  That and the fact that a week from tonight is Halloween and I don't have any Halloween candy yet! I have to get myself to Walmart this weekend and pick some up.  Hopefully they aren't sold out of all the "good" candy.  Do you have yours yet?  If so, have you dipped into it?  Maybe it's a good thing I haven't bought it yet.  It could be gone by next week! LOL

Have a wonderful night my friends.  Maybe by the time you read this it's already Friday! YAY!



  1. Danielle, that is the best gift you can give John. Neither of my boys wanted to go to college. One had no desire - he's always been an entrepreneur and owns his own recording studio now. My younger son gave it a thought, we did the math and when he saw how much a 4-year degree cost, said "No way." And that was that. They both work the music business together and have families they support. I've known so many kids who spend themselves into years of debt, only to come out and have no clue where to work or what to use that degree for. I think the hardest part was explaining to nosy people why my kids chose not to go to college. It's so ingrained in our society, that people don't know what to make of someone wanting to just pursue a trade or get a job (which is what it's all about anyway). Especially when you have a kid pursuing the arts. People just don't know what to say about it. One lady stood in the grocery store and told me that music is a nice hobby, but that my kid needed to get a degree. Some people. Good for John and good for y'all, letting him pursue his passion. If you want to let him check out the boy's business, here's the link...

  2. I am in total agreement with you supporting John! I also have a son named Jon, he was at a crossroads, and decided to get into HVAC instead of college, is working the bottom of the ladder right now, learning a lot, will try to join a union in the spring. Two of my other boys are in HVAC, and are doing really well, company van, good benefits. Will they be rich? No, not unless they start their own businesses, but, it's a low stress career, and they have plenty of family time. I have an artist son, too, who went to college for his pre-reqs, got into nursing school, hated it, but now has his own home, supports his wife, and does fine just doing his art (for those trading card companies). Then I have a daughter-in-law, who was pushed to go to college by her parents, owes $90k in student loans, and she doesn't even work, is a stay at home mom. (which is fine, but ouch!). The Halloween candy: several of my kids gather at one of their houses, and pool the candy, make it one of the "good" houses for kids to go to, give them tons...we figure that in this economy, lots of people won't give much, so we want to bless the kids...I have to get some more for that...we have already gone through so many bags, the older kids come to visit and get into it...:). Sorry to hijack your comments:)

  3. I am so glad you are listening to John. So many kids graduate high school and wish they had a crystal ball to see which direction to take. Good, supportive parents help guide them. And that's what you are doing. Talking with his guidance counselor and his music/band teachers will be very helpful. Prayers help as well!
    Have a wonderful weekend.
